2008/6/13 Emmanuel Charpentier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> However, the current lilypond-mode for emacs seems a tad outdated.
> Better than anything I've tried but still leave some room for improvement.
(OT) You may find some improvements in
stefanozanobini a écrit :
> I'm looking for the best text editor in Linux for Lilypond usage.
> I suppose Kwrite is quite good, it gives me clearly the structure of a
> .ly file (with colors and bolds), but not always.
> Is there a text editor with a specific and complete e
le menu instead of moving forward one word. Maybe there's a way
to turn this off, but in the meantime the only way I can use Emacs is in
a command-line-only environment.
Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
Op donderdag 5 juni 2008, schreef stefanozanobini:
I'm looking for the best text ed
Op donderdag 5 juni 2008, schreef stefanozanobini:
> I'm looking for the best text editor in Linux for Lilypond usage.
> I suppose Kwrite is quite good, it gives me clearly the structure of a .ly
> file (with colors and bolds), but not always.
> Is there a text editor with a spec
On Thu, 5 Jun 2008 11:11:28 +0200
stefanozanobini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking for the best text editor in Linux for Lilypond usage.
vim, of course.
- Graham
PS I've never used it, but the jedit lilypond thing looks quite
nice. That's pr
2008/6/5 stefanozanobini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Is there a text editor with a specific and complete extensive lilypond
> hilighter?
There are many, but if any, you have to have a look at:
(it's a great LilyPond plugin for the jEdit Java-based text editor)
Read the section called "Text editor support" in the Application Usage
included in the documentation
for version 2.11. If you search the mailing list archives, you will also
find other suggestions.
stefanozanobini wrote:
I'm looking for the best text editor in Lin
I'm looking for the best text editor in Linux for Lilypond usage.
I suppose Kwrite is quite good, it gives me clearly the structure of a .ly
file (with colors and bolds), but not always.
Is there a text editor with a specific and complete extensive lilypond