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> *From:* lilypond-user> on behalf of Kira Garvie
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 20, 2021 5:48:25 PM
> *To:* Lilypond-User Mailing List
> *Subject:* Asterisk before f
, 2021 5:48:25 PM
To: Lilypond-User Mailing List
Subject: Asterisk before first syllable of verse
Hello all! I need there to be an asterisk before the first syllable of this
verse, but I can't figure out how to make it work with also keeping the
hyphenation of the word, and not bumpin
Does this help?
You'll need also to adjust to match your preference for that syllable
\once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
StanzaSix = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2."
\set language = "es"
\override StanzaNumber #'font-shape = #'italic
\override LyricText #'font-shape = #'ital
Hello all! I need there to be an asterisk before the first syllable of this
verse, but I can't figure out how to make it work with also keeping the
hyphenation of the word, and not bumping all the lyrics over one
syllable... also, I dont use the \addLyrics command because the text and
the music are