I'm not exactly sure if I understand your question, but here's how I accessed
Adobe Helvetica in my lilypond file. I added:
\layout {
\context {
\override VocalName #'font-name = #"phvr"
\override LyricText #'font-name = #"phvro"
These were found in my tfm/adobe/helvetic folder.
In addition, I just tried using the Windows short name "AGaramond" in
fonts.scm, and LilyPond made a PDF, but it was not in Adobe Garamond --
the text came out in a weird and jaggedy sans serif face. Go figure.
--Basil Crow
Basil Crow wrote:
Hello all,
I'm a new LilyPond user and use LilyPond 2.
Hello all,
I'm a new LilyPond user and use LilyPond 2.5.x on a fully-up-to-date
copy of Gentoo Linux without X as well as on Ubuntu Linux 5.04-preview
with Xorg and Gnome 2.10. I would like to use PostScript fonts from the
Adobe Font Folio in my LilyPond output, for example, Adobe Caslon or