Nailed it!!
thanks guys!
I used;
\paper { #(set-paper-size "letterlandscape") indent = 20
system-system-spacing = #'(( padding . 6)) system-count = #10
page-count = #5 }
yuss!On Tuesday, October 17, 2017, 12:02:07 PM EDT, SoundsFromSound
Simon Albrecht-2 wrote
>> I've g
Simon Albrecht-2 wrote
>> I've got pretty much everything where I like it in my score, but I
>> would like to modify the distance between systems, and by different
>> amounts on each page.
>> My score has two systems per page, right now they are a little too far
>> apart except for the las
On 17.10.2017 06:01, Brian kozaczek wrote:
I've got pretty much everything where I like it in my score, but I
would like to modify the distance between systems, and by different
amounts on each page.
Is there a way I could use the following;
\paper {
system-system-spacing = #'((bas