Re: Acciaccatura distoring spacing

2019-05-27 Thread David Sumbler
Firstly let me apologise for my stupidity: I am quite aware of the problem with gracenotes after barlines. But in this case, with a normal barline, there wasn't a problem until I started experimenting with SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing. When the problem did arise, it just didn't occur to me

Re: Acciaccatura distoring spacing

2019-05-26 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi All, Isn't this a well known bug in lilypond? Much discussion in the list archives. You need to add the spacer in the other voice. Andrew ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Acciaccatura distoring spacing

2019-05-26 Thread Stefano Troncaro
Hi David, Look at this: % \version "2.19.82" \language "english" #(set-global-staff-size 16) strictGraceTrue = { \newSpacingSection \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##t } strictGraceFalse = { \newSpacingSection \override Score.SpacingSpanner.stri

Re: Acciaccatura distoring spacing

2019-05-26 Thread David Sumbler
Armed with this method of correcting the spacing when acciaccature occur in conflicting rhythms, I tried applying it to some other passages which had similar but less noticeable spacing problems. But there is a difficulty, which I mentioned before: if a barline occurs within a system, the barline

Re: Acciaccatura distoring spacing

2019-05-20 Thread Stefano Troncaro
Oh I see, troubleshooting in big projects like what you describe can be so painful. Hopefully you figure out specifically what in your poly-mark-engraver.ily is conflicting with overriding the SpacingSpanner. Perhaps if you manage to isolate the problem and make a short example showing the bizarre

Re: Acciaccatura distoring spacing

2019-05-20 Thread David Sumbler
Hi Stefano, I have now re-read the Horizontal Spacing section, and I am a bit wiser than I was. When I tried it, the fix you suggested worked perfectly for the snippet in my email. But I had great difficulty when I applied it to my actual score: I kept getting numerous warnings: program

Re: Acciaccatura distoring spacing

2019-05-20 Thread Stefano Troncaro
Hi David, Ttake a look a this snippet: \version "2.19.82" \paper { line-width = 65\mm } << { \new Staff \time 2/4 \newSpacingSection \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##t \tuplet 7/4 { g'16 a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' } g''8 r } { \new Staff \tuplet 3

Re: Acciaccatura distoring spacing

2019-05-20 Thread David Sumbler
I sent the message quoted below to the list last week. I received no replies, the principal reason for which is, I suspect, that there is currently no solution to the problem. I have encountered this sort of difficulty before. Lilypond arranges notes so that those that occur later in time on any

Acciaccatura distoring spacing

2019-05-15 Thread David Sumbler
%% \version "2.19.82" \paper { line-width = 150\mm } #(set-global-staff-size 16) << { \new Staff \time 5/4 r2 \tuplet 7/4 { g'16 a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' } g''8 r r4 | } { \new Staff \tuplet 3/2 4 { \repeat unfo