On Thu, 28 Nov 2019, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote:
How about:
\version "2.19.83"
\layout {
\context {
\override OttavaBracket.stencil = #ly:line-spanner::print
\override OttavaBracket.bound-details =
#`((left . ((text . ,#{ \markup\concat\italic { "8" \raise #.8 \ti
How about:
\version "2.19.83"
\layout {
\context {
\override OttavaBracket.stencil = #ly:line-spanner::print
\override OttavaBracket.bound-details =
#`((left . ((text . ,#{ \markup\concat\italic { "8" \raise #.8 \tiny
"va" } #})
(Y . 0)
On Thu, 28 Nov 2019, Malte Meyn wrote:
The new default will be numbers only (#ottavation-numbers) with a simple
option to use super-/subscript "8va" with a both for alta and bassa:
\set ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals
I don’t know when 2.21.0 will be released. IIRC there ha
Hi Martin,
AFAIK all of this can be done, yes. However, it’s a bit hacky and will
be much easier in the not yet published 2.21.0 which will have improved
ottava brackets.
Am 28.11.19 um 10:36 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen:
- 8va above the staff with the "va" superscripted like in the attached
Attached is a picture from two 8va variants I found in the Bravura font.
Using LilyPond with the following tiny example:
\version "2.19.83"
\relative {
\ottava #1 f'' f f f |
\ottava #-1 f,, f f f |
will result in "8va" (above) and "8vb" (below)
I would like to accomplish two thing