I often resolve squished ties like that by flipping the tie; e.g., using
*fis^~* to force the tie on top, or *fis_~* to force it to the bottom.
(In this case, it looks good on top, but this doesn't help if you really
want it on the bottom.)
On 2/11/24 09:30, George wrote:
bar 78 l
Sorry for short answer, I’m on the phone:
Try \tweak Tie.minimum-length #10
And then choose an appropriate number.
> 11 feb. 2024 kl. 18:31 skrev George :
> At the moment I am having an issue with a tie from the alto part where it is
> automatically "squished" by Lillypond. I didn't fin
Dear George,
I put the following in a style-sheet which I import into every lilypond
\context {
\override Tie.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
\override Tie.minimum-length = #4
\override Tie.minimum-length-after-break = #4
It shouldn't ha
At the moment I am having an issue with a tie from the alto part where it
is automatically "squished" by Lillypond. I didn't find an answer anywhere
else on how to create some space between or make the tie somewhat
noticeable. Also using the command* \shape* on the tie was not the right
choice this