Bingo. Thank you!!
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
If I'm not mistaken, the simple solution is to remove the \\
in your code.
Peter Siepmann wrote:
Thanks, Mats. Though I'm afraid - due probably to my relative
inexperience (I'm quite a recent convert to Lilypond!) - the
particular question isn't explicitly covered).
Peter Siepmann wrote:
Thank you very much for your reply, Mats.
I'm using 2.10.25 and, as you say, the fragment I sent before compiles
fine on its own. The troubles arise when I put (single voice) notes
either sid
points, the main lyrics seem to disappear, and so I tried coding them in
alongside the music as in the example above...
Your continued assistance is most gratefully appreciated!
Peter Siepmann BSc (Hons), LRSM, ARCO
Director of Music, St Peter's & All Saints', Nottingham
This seems to be a commonly raised issue, but I'm perplexed as to why my
attempt at a solution (below) has failed:
<< { \voiceOne dis2( eis8 fis gis4) fis2 fis4. fis8 fis4 fis2 ~ fis4 gis2
ais4 r4} \\
\new Voice = "vII" { \voiceTwo dis,2 (eis8 dis cis b) ais2 b4. dis8
cisis4 dis2( ais4) c