Re: piano centered dynamics

2008-12-10 Thread peter0
I'll take that as "No we don't look after it any more" -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user

piano centered dynamics

2008-11-30 Thread peter0
Hi guys, What about piano centered dynamics? Has there been any development in the past months about this imho very essential feature of lilypond? Is there already a totally new version from scratch planned? What's the best workaround for now to produce a decent piano score (e.g. really cent

Re: Piano Centered Dynamics and bar collision - again

2007-12-10 Thread peter0
I had tried this before, by adding these three lines to the Dynamics context and leaving the rest as in the original template. It does not prevent collisions, and the Barlines do not become transparent where collisions occur. There are also barlines engraved in the pedal. Kieren MacMillan wrote

Re: Piano Centered Dynamics and bar collision - again

2007-12-09 Thread peter0
> I don't know how to do this, but I recall that there was some dicussion a few months ago about the piano template being broken. I'm not certain if this has been fixed in 2.11 or not. It hasn't been. > As part of our big documentation update, we'll examine this template... > but currently this

Re: Piano Centered Dynamics and bar collision - again

2007-12-09 Thread peter0
Well, thanks for replying, but of course it didn't solve the problem. I did not have the intention to insult you all, because I love lilypond, but for one who engraves only piano music, it is the harsh reality that the results of lilypond are not that pretty when one has the insane idea of center

Re: Piano Centered Dynamics and bar collision - again

2007-12-09 Thread peter0
Hmm... No response on my previous message. Did I provide not enough information about the problem, or was my message inappropiate? I also searched the google code repository, but no bug was filed for this issue. A little answer would be greatly appreciated! Thank you peter peter0 wrote

Piano Centered Dynamics and bar collision - again

2007-11-20 Thread peter0
Hi. I'm a relative new user and I want to write piano centered dynamics without them colliding bar lines. I searched the help and this mailing list but I didn't find a consistent resolution. So, can anyone give the right code or a method how I have to do this? I don't know if it's relevant, but