Absolutely outstanding! Thanks to both Phil and Nick.
I've tried both versions and the only thing I'd add to Phil's version is
something I found amongst this forum (I think) and that is in the layout to
sort out the bar number appearing above the textSpanner after a line break.
It doesn't solve t
You actually don't need that many \bar ":|:". Only one per bar and not two.
c4 c c c | %voiceA measure 1
c,4 c c c | \bar ":|:" %voiceB measure 1
g4 g g g | %voiceA measure 2
g,4 g g g | \bar ":|:" %
The only thing which seems to work for me, after experimenting for a while,
is to add the repeats manually like this:
\version "2.12.3"
\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB) {
\key c \major
\time 4/4
c4 c c c | \bar ":|:" %voiceA measure 1
c,4 c c c | \bar
Thanks. I changed the version number a few times until I got some meaningful
output from convert-ly. It couldn't do the whole job, but it gave an
indication as to what needed to be changed. I've ended up with the
following, which may be of help to others:
barre = #(define-music-function (parser l