Thank you, Trevor. That is a neat solution.
Trevor Daniels wrote:
> "njrees" wrote Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1:49
> AM
>> Is there a way to define melismas differently in different
>> stanzas?
> Yes. This is the purpose of the single
Thanks very much
for the example and reference, Michael
Michael Welsh Duggan-4 wrote:
> See section 2.1.3 of the Notation Reference:
> Here is your example, with the correct melismata:
I searched first but didnt see this.
Is there a way to define melismas differently in different stanzas?
I want to define a melisma where one syllable lasts for more than one note
in only one of the stanzas. The only way I know to do this is to put
\melisma and \melismaEnd in the voice definitio
David Kastrup wrote:
> The original posting contains a perfectly self-contained illustrative
> example. I don't see that I can improve on that. Add a subject line
> like "\addlyrics misinterprets barchecks", and you are set.
> --
> David Kastrup
> _
I am a new user.
I get a bar check warning from this snippet (Rogers and Hart's Have You Met
Miss Jones?)
If I delete the first bar, I don't get the warning. Is this a bug, or am I
doing something wrong?
(Do I have to represent the rest somehow?)
\relative c'' {
\key f \major
| c1 | r4 d