My sincere thanks to all who replied my questions.
Now, one more question.
How to manually set the stems direction?
for example, this is not an ordinary two voices, but rather an temporary two
part lines:
<{ c8 c4 c8}\\{ s4 <)g bf> }>
In this case, the upper notes stem downward, and the low
I really appreciate the answers from Graham Percival. Thank you very much :)
One more question,
How to sudenly, (not of a regular voice), add a melody on a regular melody?
For example, a measure goes like in
global = \notes {
\key ef \major
\time 6/8
upper = \context Staff \notes
Again, excuse me, I am new here.
I have read the document, but am still confused.
What is the basic lilypond structure?
For example, to write a simple Piano staff, does it look like this ?
\header {
filename =""
title = "Title goes here"
subtitle = "subti
Some more questions - although I seemed read it somewhere in the document,
but cannot find it again:
How can I put off beat on the first bar, like here :
global = \notes {
\key ef \major
\time 6/8
upper = \context Staff \notes\relative c {
r8% measure 1
r8 r8 % measure 2
I think it's more like this:
\header {
filename =""
title = "Mozart - Horn Concdrto No. 4 in E flat, K 495"
subtitle = "III Rondo : allegro vivace"
source = "source"
composer ="Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)"
enteredby = "neuro"
% copyri
Excuse me, I am new here ...
I have read some document, online or offline, but still can not find out
how to make an png, jpg, or gif file with lilypond.
Usually the command goes like
ly2dvi -p
then it made ps, pdf, dvi, ( and midi if \midi { } ).
thank you very much