\layout { }
\midi { }
When I try and compile score.ly I recieve a syntax error - unexpected \new,
referring to the \new preceding StaffGroup \brass. Can you think of a
solution to this problem. As an aside question is it possible to give an
"instrumentName" to the gra
I'm trying to create a grand staff around two oboe parts when score.ly is
compiled. The files I'm using are belowed.
% piece.ly
music = {
% oboe I.II
\tag #'woodwinds \new GrandStaff <<
\tag #'woodwinds \tag #'ob12 \new Staff {
\tag #'woodwinds \tag #'ob12 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
I seem to be having trouble reducing the space between the breve/longa and
other notes, For example this command - \[ g\breve e\longa \], leaves a
huge space after it. I've tried messing around with notecolumns and such,
with no success. My source code is below, so if anyone has some helpful
I am using lilypond version 2.10.29. I'm trying to integrate music
into a paper I have for a class. When I input the following into my
tex file:
c' d' e' f' g'2 g'2
(I got this from the tutorial)
I invoke lilypond book with the foll