Re: Tagging Troubles

2007-10-21 Thread mojocojo2000
s \layout { } \midi { } } When I try and compile I recieve a syntax error - unexpected \new, referring to the \new preceding StaffGroup \brass. Can you think of a solution to this problem. As an aside question is it possible to give an "instrumentName" to the gra

Tagging Troubles

2007-10-18 Thread mojocojo2000
I'm trying to create a grand staff around two oboe parts when is compiled. The files I'm using are belowed. % music = { % oboe I.II \tag #'woodwinds \new GrandStaff << \tag #'woodwinds \tag #'ob12 \new Staff { \tag #'woodwinds \tag #'ob12 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe" \t

Reduce space between notes

2007-09-13 Thread mojocojo2000
I seem to be having trouble reducing the space between the breve/longa and other notes, For example this command - \[ g\breve e\longa \], leaves a huge space after it. I've tried messing around with notecolumns and such, with no success. My source code is below, so if anyone has some helpful ad

lilypond book error

2007-08-23 Thread mojocojo2000
I am using lilypond version 2.10.29. I'm trying to integrate music into a paper I have for a class. When I input the following into my tex file: \begin[quote,fragment,staffsize=26]{lilypond} c' d' e' f' g'2 g'2 \end{lilypond} (I got this from the tutorial) I invoke lilypond book with the foll