As an extension to the above, is it possible to left-align futher lines as a
column. I have tried substituting the following from line 128-142 of your
example but it throws the alignment of the other parts out:
\new StaffGroup
This is great. Thank you!
On Wednesday, 20 April 2022 01:09:49 BST Adam Griggs wrote:
> Okay, here you go. Had to adjust the score to accommodate lyrics.
> Good luck!
> On 20/4/22 2:15 am, Martin Baker wrote:
> > Thank you Adam, your solution works nicely. I tried to add lyrics to your
> > s
Is there a way to increase/decrease distance between note-columns to make
stacked notes closer or further apart?
\version "2.20.0"
\voiceOne e'2\\
\voiceThree c'2