Re: linewidth

2006-01-06 Thread gacl (sent by
Hi, Thank you so much. This is how it looks now: \version "2.6.4" \book { \header { title = "Scales" } \score { \layout { raggedlast = ##t } { \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down) \clef "G_8" \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() 4 d4 4 f4 g4 4 b4 c'4 4 e'4 f'4 4 a'4 g'4 4 e'4 \brea

Re: linewidth

2006-01-04 Thread gacl (sent by
Hi, I appreciate the offer but I can't afford it. Maybe there is a work-around? See, I have some sheets with beginner's music that fits really well the 4 measures per line format, but on this one piece, I have one measure all by itself and if I use raggedlast, I get a tiny measure, and if I don't

Re: Embedded Measures

2006-01-04 Thread gacl (sent by
Hi, Thanks for your help, but I get this error when I try to view this files: # -*-compilation-*- Changing working directory to `C:/My Documents/Lecciones/Programas de Musica' Processing `C:/My Documents/Lecciones/Programas de Musica/' Parsing...ERROR: Unbound variable: print-s

Embedded Measures

2006-01-04 Thread gacl (sent by
Hi, Once again, thank you for this software. I was wondering if I could do what I call "tumor measures" :smile: . They look like this: |--|---|---|-| |--|---|---|-| |--|---|---|-| |--|---

Re: linewidth

2006-01-01 Thread gacl (sent by
Thanks. Gus Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at Re: linewidth ___ lilypond-user mailing list


2005-12-31 Thread gacl (sent by
Hi,      First of all, thanks to the developers for providing this great piece of software. Now, I've searched this forum, Google, the documentation, etc, and I have not found any answers to this questions:      First, how can I put a double bar ( "||" ) at the beginning of my score?      Secon