ll back to the
earlier version?
Many thanks!
harm6 wrote:
> 2012/6/2 diekunstderfuge :
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to achieve the compound time signature seen in the image here:
>> http://old.nabble.com/file/p33950720/custom_time_signature.png
ncern with compound time signatures,
is not important as the TimeSig staff displays only time signatures.
I am using 2.12.3. Any help would be very gratefully appreciated! Thanks!!
View this message in context:
g/doc/v2.14/Documentation/internals/systemstartbar ) but I
can't figure out if the style of the barline can be changed, and if it can,
what styles it accepts.
Any help is appreciated! Many thanks!
View this message in context:
I am trying to achieve a solid bar line across all the staves at the end of
the first system, to resemble the final bar line at the end of the second
system, which the \global setting provided in the Mensurstriche Layout
snippet takes care of with the \revert command. In my code (attached)
Thank you. \laissezVibrer produces very short ties; is there a way to modify
them so that they resemble normal ties?
Federico Bruni-5 wrote:
> Il 24/04/2012 16:15, diekunstderfuge ha scritto:
>> I'm transcribing/typesetting the music seen in the attached image. At the
I'm transcribing/typesetting the music seen in the attached image. At the
end of the second system there are two notes (one in the RH staff, one in
the LH staff) which tie to notes not included in this excerpt. Is there a
way I can manually force LilyPond to display a tie without having to en