I am wondering if this error i am getting is the program or me.
# -*-compilation-*-
Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/Alex So/Desktop/hungarian rhapsody'
Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/Alex So/Desktop/hungarian rhapsody/hungarianrhapsody.txt'
C:/Program F
i did /new Staff instead. Thanks very much it works well. I dont know how to edit the lower style part.
\score {
\context PianoStaff <<
\context Staff = "violin" <<
\clef treble
\layout {
\context {
I'm new to all this lilypond. I used to use noteworhty so this is a big change for me. anyways... Picture of my situation. I don't get how to format all this stuff. feels like programming. How do i make the second clef disappear? and that big tie on the bottom. here's my code too
\header {