Re: [Fwd: Re: confused about transposing]

2004-01-28 Thread William R. Brohinsky
David Rogers wrote: On 2004/01/28, William R. Brohinsky wrote: ...(a very comprehensive answer to the transposition question)... But, wouldn't he have to transpose DOWN a tone, when moving from a Bflat-notated instrument to a C-notated one? So - \transpose c bes, ? Absol

[Fwd: Re: confused about transposing]

2004-01-28 Thread William R. Brohinsky
--- Begin Message --- Chip, The important thing to understand about the \transpose function is that the two note names following the \transpose represent the interval of transposition. To transpose from music written in C to music appropriate for a Bb instrument, you must end up with music in

Re: Searc

2003-02-11 Thread William R Brohinsky
As neuro's post shows, croma and croche are current names for what we in the US call 'eighth-notes'. If you consider the shape of the note (black head, stem, one flag), the previous name of this note was 'fusa'. This name comes from common renaissance usage where the note shape was used rarely. I

Re: no rests in tablature?

2002-11-21 Thread William R Brohinsky
In tab, timing is remoted from the indications of notes: the timing is relegated to the stems above the letters. Each stem indicates how long it will be before the next stem (or implicit stem, since tabs often leave off repeated time-value stems). There is no indication of when a note is supposed t

Re: tablature notation tautology

2002-09-26 Thread William R Brohinsky
Before this becomes something other than the trivial pursuit that it is, let's lay it to rest once and for all. Tablature is notation. Every dictionary and encyclopaedia I can access, physical and online agrees. Music notation on staves with noteheads, in fact, can be considered a kind of tablitu

Re: Different time signatures

2002-09-22 Thread William R Brohinsky
This is one that was solved for me a short time ago. There may be a newer fix, but you don't say which version of lilypond you're using. This one is good for 1.6.0 and on: In the paper block, add the following: \translator{ \ScoreContext \remove "Timing_engraver"

Re: Timing_engraver and \remove - \consists in general

2002-09-06 Thread William R Brohinsky
Uhhhn. I was doing fairly well, between your response and Laura's and Rune's of starting to understand this all. Now I've gone braindead again. Perhaps it's driving 9 hours that did it, but this change leaves me with a bunch of questions I'd like to get cleared up before I post the source for od

Re: Timing_engraver and \remove - \consists in general

2002-09-06 Thread William R Brohinsky
Wen) wrote: > > >>>>> "raybro" == William R Brohinsky writes: > > raybro> I can't get a final barline to appear. > > Use: > > \property Staff.whichBar = "|." > > instead of \bar "|." > > \bar is a shorthand

Re: Timing_engraver and \remove - \consists in general

2002-09-05 Thread William R Brohinsky
I really appreciate the help, Han-wen! Thank you! This was exactly what I needed, the code fragment was enough to get the entire piece formatted correctly, except for one minor problem... I can't get a final barline to appear. The attachment is an abbrevement of my code, showing the first nine an

Timing_engraver and \remove - \consists in general

2002-08-31 Thread William R Brohinsky
Heyla! I'm still struggling with some apparently fundamental, basic concepts. The internals for Timing_engraver says that "In order to create polyrhythmic music, this engraver should be removed from Score and placed in Staff." After considerable searching about the tutorial, manual, internals d

Installation report on cygwin+lilypond 8/25-26/02

2002-08-26 Thread William R Brohinsky
I downloaded the entire install yesterday and today (49.2K dialup) and installed it this evening. The results, in a nutshell? Everything worked fine. However. I did have a few bugaboo's, and am too tired to research the entire email record of the lists, so consider this raw input: ly2dvi -p pr

Re: tab

2002-08-20 Thread William R Brohinsky
David Raleigh Arnold wrote: > Thanks much. The scholarly poster is right that there are > historical instances of putting the first string at the > bottom, but English renaissance lute tablature and all > modern tabs have the first string at the top so the > low notes will be on the bottom. *

Re: transposing

2002-07-29 Thread William R Brohinsky
Simon Bailey wrote: > > On Mon, 2002-07-29 at 22:18, Rune Zedeler wrote: > > > i know this may seem like a weird question but is there a way to > > > transpose and generate "lily-input" output? > > > > Why would you need that? > > one of the projects i'm currently working on is rearranging a m

re: lilypond 1.5.62

2002-06-24 Thread William R Brohinsky
I downloaded the exp version, which installed without comment (that I could tell: some of those post-install scripts put up a dos-like window for a few seconds, wrote something in a few miliseconds and disappeared!) This is on windows XP, with all of microsoft's updates installed to date. When I

Re: Transcribing audio to manuscript

2002-03-14 Thread William R Brohinsky
Stephen, I have to admit to some confusion as to what you mean by transcribing audio to notation. Are you talking about line-by-line transcription of parts, or reduction to piano staff, done by listening to a recording? Or are you assisting someone who 'composes' music but doesn't know how to no

Re: cleverer stem direction

2001-10-15 Thread William R. Brohinsky
For what it's worth, when I took music theory, we were advised (and this is in consonance with numerous music copy tutorial books, I can quote references for some if needed) to keep stems in one direction when passing through the middle line of the staff. Thus, for a scale starting on the bottom

Re: lilypond user manual in ps

2001-08-27 Thread William R. Brohinsky
Mats Bengtsson wrote: > > You really shouldn't send these question to me privately, > if you keep them on the list, you'll reach Jan and Han-Wen > who do the bulk of the job and also others who have the same > questions could see the followups. You may quote my answers > below on the list if yo

lilypond user manual in ps

2001-08-27 Thread William R. Brohinsky
I have downloaded in the past ( a few months ago ) and had no problem looking at it in gsview[32], but in the last 2 weeks I've downloaded it twice, and gotten something that can't be viewed at all. As a check, I ran it through acrobat 4.0 distiller, and got the following, which ma