On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Rune Zedeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stephen Lavelle skrev:
> > So { c cs cs c } would, when rendered, have a sharps on the two middle
> > notes, and a natural on the fourth.
> Something like this:
> \ver
A big problem that several people I know have had with finale and the like
is that of implementing time-space notation.
The proportional notation setting in lilypond is close to this, but has the
problem for people who want to use time-space notation that it only works on
a bar-by-bar basis, when
I'm using the forget accidental scheme at the moment in a piece, but ideally
I would prefer some scheme whereby all sharpened or flattened notes were
given accidentals, but also all natural notes that followed
sharpened/flattened notes of the same letter would get naturals put in