Re: Flat - with "2" number

2015-11-17 Thread Server Acim
ature.stencil = #accidental2CommaFlat c } which expects the Bravura font from here: to be installed as a system font. HTH Urs Am 08.08.2015 um 18:55 schrieb Server Acim: Hello, I want to ask you a very important question. Turkish Music is divide two kinds in i

Some questions about a problem.

2015-11-13 Thread Server Acim
needed to insert into anywhere in the piece. === The other question is, how can I create this gylph with scheme. From where do I have to start? As a second plan... With my respects. Bye. -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü Üniver

Very important and very urgent question...

2015-11-13 Thread Server Acim
needed to insert into anywhere in the piece. === The other question is, how can I create this gylph with scheme. From where do I have to start? As a second plan... With my respects. Bye. -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü Üniver


2015-11-13 Thread Server Acim
Test1 -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi (Full Professor of Music Composition at Inonu Universitesi - Malatya - TURKEY) - Linux Mint Kullanıcısı ve Destekçisi (Linux Mint User and Supporter)

Re: Flat - with "2" number

2015-08-08 Thread Server Acim
On 08/08/2015 08:42 PM, Mike Solomon wrote: On Aug 8, 2015, at 7:55 PM, Server Acim wrote: Hello, I want to ask you a very important question. Turkish Music is divide two kinds in it inside. One of is "Turkish Classical Music". Its roots are based of Ottoman Impire. And "

Flat - with "2" number

2015-08-08 Thread Server Acim
orporation. This is a very urgent matter. I need to have the solutiong as quick as possible. How can you help me? Thank you. Bye. -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi (Full Professor of Music Composition at Inonu Universitesi - Malatya - TURKEY) -

Re: [Frescobaldi] Linux Mint 17.1 - Frescobaldi Installation Problem

2015-04-07 Thread Server Acim
Message arrived. I would recommend uninstalling everything and be sure that you really cleaned any old frescobaldi installation. Then try again to install. 2015-04-07 17:39 GMT+02:00 Server Acim>>: Hello, I installed frescobaldi ve python-ly zippped fil

Linux Mint 17.1 - Frescobaldi Installation Problem

2015-04-07 Thread Server Acim
e. You will see the error messages at the screenshots that I share with you. How can I fix this? Thank you. -- Server ACİM - Bestec

Re: Harmony Symbols Under the Bass part

2014-07-19 Thread Server Acim
On 07/19/2014 08:11 PM, David Nalesnik wrote: Hi, On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Server Acim>> wrote: Hello, I got an screenshot from Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka & Florian Hollerweger's Presentation that is titled as "LilyPond ..

Re: Dominant

2014-06-14 Thread Server Acim
d’s superscript command if you don’t like it (the placement and font of the superscript is different). On 14.06.2014 17:31, Server Acim wrote: Hello, I am writing an Harmony book with my friend. I want to use "Diminished Dominant" symbol in figured bass below the note. It has to mark &q


2014-06-14 Thread Server Acim
cation in Germany in 1930'ies. They learned "German Harmonie Schule" terms and they taught their students in the same way. So we are still using these terms. So I need this detail. Do you have any idea? Thank you. -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü Üniversitesi Öğretim Ü

Re: Arabic Template

2014-03-30 Thread Server Acim
ypond-user mailing list -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi (Full Professor of Music Composition at Inonu Universitesi - Malatya - TURKEY) - Linux Mint Kullanıcısı ve Destekçisi (Linux

Re: Oskar Fried: the Big Bang

2014-03-12 Thread Server Acim
ad the word as widely as possible. Best Urs ___ lilypond-user mailing list Congratulations. This is a huge success of you. With my regards. -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer)

Installing Lilypond with .sh file.

2014-03-08 Thread Server Acim
some other file in some other directory. Is it possible to make work lilypond for systemwide, or do I have miss some information? With my regards. -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi (Full Professor of Music Composition at Inonu Universitesi - Malatya - TURKEY

About "lilyglyphs" package usage difficulties

2014-02-22 Thread Server Acim
. I saw some python files inside the package that is relevant for compiling the .tex files but I was not have to time reading it. I want to congratulate Urs Liska for the package, but these are my problem about the package. With my respects. -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü

Where is the former manual page ? (2.16.2)

2014-01-13 Thread Server Acim
Hello, I am using LilyPond 2.16.2 in my Linux Mint 16 - Cinnamon Edition. And I am not able to find Manual web page for 2.16.2. Where can I rich them from? Thank you for your answers from now. -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi (Full Professor of Music

Re: How to hide time signature

2013-11-29 Thread Mr. Server Acim
our answer. But, I want to add the shortage of "Whole step" with "W" letter "between the C note and D note under the notes. I mean that the "W" letter must be between two notes. Not under of C note of D note. How can I do that? -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Comp

How to hide time signature

2013-11-29 Thread Mr. Server Acim
code in the attached files. Thank you. -- Server ACİM - Besteci (Composer) - İnönü Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi (Full Professor of Music Composition at Inonu Universitesi - Malatya - TURKEY) - Linux Mint Kullanıcısı ve Destekçisi (Linux Mint User and Supporter) http