I use FOMUS to output data from AC Toolbox (algorithmic composition software)
to a Lilypond file and a pdf. However, as my data is quite dense, some systems
are colliding making it impossible to distinguish the independent notes. I am
not working with Lilypond enough to solve this hence I
I have a file made in OpenMusic that i try to convert into lilypond (pdf-file)
I asked a guy frm the ircam and he said me to use this command after the header
\version "2.11"
#(set-default-paper-size "a3" 'landscape)
#(set-global-staff-size 12)
Still I get A4 output with bad breaks
I had some problems with Open Music
and a responsible from the ircam helped me by concerting the
results from a patchwindow to a pdf usibg lilypond.
I want to do that myself now, but i am really
new to lilypond and with the instructions in the
documentation i don't get results,