time signature is printed after first bar line

2016-09-20 Thread Roderick Mackenzie
Hallo, I am still trying to print bagpipe tunes with Lilypond, with a repeat bar at the start of each part. I am almost there; my only problem now is that the time signature is printed after the first bar line (the repeat bar line). Here is a simple script: \version "2.16.2" \include "bagpipe.ly

Re: use of set Timing.measurePosition is disrupting automatic beaming

2016-09-13 Thread Roderick Mackenzie
Hallo, many thanks for the suggestions. I am using an older version because it happens to be in the Ubuntu LTS repositories and I have not got round to upgrading yet. Elaine, I use repeat barlines at the start of each part because bagpipe tunes always have them at the start and end of each part,

use of set Timing.measurePosition is disrupting automatic beaming

2016-09-12 Thread Roderick Mackenzie
Hallo, I am learning how to write bagpipe tunes with Lilypond. Bagpipe tunes are usually in parts with a partial measure at the start and end of each part. In order to avoid the warnings about use of "\partial" within the body of the score I am trying to use "\set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:mak