Defining custom paper sizes

2005-05-29 Thread Peter Leschev
Hi, Using 2.4.6, I'm trying to define a specific (non-standard) paper size with a PNG output. It seems that the PNG output is affected by the: #(set-paper-size "a4") command, which only takes predefined standard paper sizes. I've tried using hsize & vsize yet,

Re: midi2ly

2005-02-22 Thread Peter Leschev
Hi! I'm getting similar problems trying to compile the latest (both cvs & 2.5.12) versions of Lilypond in cygwin. The build falls over with the following: chmod 755 out/midi2ly /usr/bin/perl /cygdrive/c/sandbox/org/lilypond/lilypond-2.5.12/buildscripts/out/help2man out/midi2ly > out/

Breve Notation

2005-01-27 Thread Peter Leschev
Hi! We're in need of being able produce music with the following type of breve: (The one on the left, the one with 2 parallel vertical lines on each side). From what I can tell this is currently not supported - The closest