know that the snapshot package is not in an
unmaintained status, it's just paused until February :-)
Best wishes,
Pedro Kroger
lilypond-user mailing list
Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Who uses lilypond?
> what do you use lilypond for.
I use it as a composer. I used to use finale and now I typeset all of
them using lilypond.
lilypond-user mailing list
D Josiah Boothby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Perhaps I've been missing something, but what *is* this 'gnome
> backend'? Is it something every Lilyponder should know about?
instead of generating a pdf or dvi lily will put the result in a gnome
canvas. the fine point is that this graphical output
I fixed the lilypond-snapshot package. It should work now. You can get
it by running:
apt-get update
apt-get lilypond-snapshot
lilypond-user mailing list
dax2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> What is happening? What could I do for making better PDF or PNG output ?
It can't find the fonts. A few people are having trouble with my package
and I can't reproduce or figure out why. Could you try the 2.4.1 version
I'll upload in about one hour?
BTW, what
Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I actually meant:
> Now there is another error message:
> ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
ow if it works for you (or not).
Pedro Kroger
lilypond-user mailing list
Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I appreciate very much all your work on these packages. Would it be
> possible to upload the 2.3.25 packages while you are working on the
> 2.4 packages. I need the last fix for the ragged problem.
sure. I'll upload the .26 package instead (I'll have to c
Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Pedro has not answered my email asking about this.
I'm sorry about that. I've been too busy these last days and I'm now
catching up.
> says that 2.3.26 is available from
> It previou
haven't tested lilypond-book-snapshot yet. if it's not
working fixing it should be trivial.
Pedro Kroger
lilypond-user mailing list
Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> With the installation there was no more any trouble, thank You. :)
good to know :-)
> produces an error-message, saying, the version would be incorrect.
could you send the lilypond file? AFAIK this list doesn't allow
attachments, but you can paste t
"Jonathan C. Webster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> music]$ cat
> { c'4 e' g' }
> music]$
this will only work with 2.3.x. in 2.2.x you should have a \score and
\notes block:
\score {
\notes {
c'4 e' g'
I suggest you upgrade to 2.3.x. It's pretty stable now and will be
I'd suggest you try again (but run
"apt-get update" first). let me know if you have any trouble.
BTW, I barely can read german, so please change the language to english
next time :-) something like:
export LC_ALL=en_US
apt-get install lilypond-snapshot
will do
Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> How can I get 2.3.22?
my package is called "lilypond-snapshot", so:
apt-get update
apt-get install lilypond-snapshot
lilypond-user mailing list
Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Pardon, I've forgotten to tell, that I've fetched 2.3.20 from Pedro
> Krögers website, and now I've the following new .deb's correct
> installed on both, my debian-unstable-System and my debian-sid-System:
The aren't my packages :-) see the "wf" in the
ise" and "pos" as
functions. Or yet, I'd use some of the python parser modules and create
a tiny-small language for the job. The latter, besides fun :-), would
probably be more maintainable (if the thing is really huge) than u
Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I get this from a file which worked yesterday with 2.3.19:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/music/catalina$ lilypond-snapshot
> dirname: too few arguments
> Try `dirname --help' for more information.
thanks for your bug report.
it's another silly mistak
Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi,
>> I'm am planning on using Lilypond as a case study for a software
>> reliability reserach project. Does anyone know:
> Interesting. Are you aware that someone else did work in this area
> before?
> http:/
Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ok. This seems like a bug to me: lilypond-snapshot doesn't want to coexist
> with your lilypond-data 2.2.5-pk1 package.
this is indeed a bug. The nex version fixes it.
lilypond-user maili
Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I can see that we're heroes, but unsung?
> ;-)
I see guys like Don Knuth and Guido van Rossum in the list. Not a bad
list to have you name mentioned in :-)
Seriously, sometimes I feel that lilypond doesn't have the recognition
it deserves just beca
Have you guys seen this?
It's pretty cool :-)
lilypond-user mailing list
dax2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Some days ago I read something interesting (and/or amusing)
> about the origin of the name Lilypond.
>What was the idea behind the name Lilypond?
>Where can I read the (surprising?) story?
>Would you add it to the preface (Documentation)?
"Peter B. Steiger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> BTW, I'm working on a midi-to-lilypond converter since I can't get
> midi2ly to work correctly. Unfortunately my grasp of both C and MIDI
> file format is pretty elementary, and I can only work on it in my spare
> time which means about 5 lines of
Cameron Horsburgh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I just surfed over to the NoteEdit website, and all there is is a note
> saying it had been discontinued due to the upcoming port of Finale to
> Linux. Does anyone have any info about this?
from this email it seems it will *not* be done:
Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Does anyone recognise this problem, and do you know a good workaround?
I have this problem also, with debian sid:
paper output to `'...Calling ghostscript to convert, please wait ...
ESP Ghostscript 7.07.1: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
* Jefferson dos Santos Felix ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> 2 - How do I change margins?
You can use things like:
Margin between header and top of the page
Margin between footer and bottom of the page
Distance between top-most music system and the page header
* Nicolas Sceaux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> A possible definition:
Thanks for your help.
If I do something like:
> \notes {
> c4
> #(ly:export (mus:set 'Staff 'instrument "violin"))
it works beautifully,
But it doesn't if I do:
#(define-public (mus:set context property va
I'm wandering what is the equivalent scheme code for things like:
\set Staff.instrument = "Violin solo"
I want to define instrument's name from a scheme procedure (but I
don't want use #{ ... #})
I've tried to figure it out from the scheme files at scm but "set" is not
the best thing to gre
* Julien Ricard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> It works ok, but the name of the instrument does not appears in the
> output pdf file. Any suggestion?
I can't reproduce this. I've pasted the code from your email and run
lilypond (2.2.4) on it and the output was ok.
What is the platform/distribution
On Wed Jul 07, 2004 at 02:06:30PM +0200, Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> When I run "make install" I get the following error messages:
> ./out/feta11tfm does not exist.
> make[1]:***[local-install-outfiles] Fehler 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/.../lilypond-2.2.3/mf'
> make: *** [install] Fehl
On Wed Jun 30, 2004 at 03:06:16PM +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> I hope you have noticed the skipTypesetting property. See
sure, I have used it but for some reason I found the use of variables
for sect
* Nick Busigin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Out of curiosity, what is "ion" ?
Ion is a X window manager modeled (sort of) after screen. Here is
it's webpage:
lilypond-user mailing list
I forgot to mention that if you typeset long scores, it may be a good
idea to use variables. I use variables for each section, like
\sectiona \sectionb, etc. Them I can comment out the sections I don't
want to compile right now. I also use variables for each instrument,
so I can compile only specif
* Alex Young ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> necessarily the best for lilypond work. I'm trying out an ion setup
> that has a nice, big preview pane on the left for the ps/pdf output,
> and small panes for the editor and console on the right. It looks
> and feels pretty smart, but I'm still learnin
* Cameron and Trudy Horsburgh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I've been wondering lately how other people organise their workflow, the
> tools used, and how they actually go through the typesetting process.
> Given the number of different platforms supported, I imagine this would
> vary widely.
Hi people,
In June I'll be presenting an one hour lecture on free software for
music and Linux as a platform for music and audio at the "5th
International Free Software Forum" at Brazil
( Of course I'll talk about
lilypond and I'd love to wear a lilypond sh
I told you, it's a test! :-)
Lilypond-user mailing list
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I should add that whenever you find a version that is solid enough you
> might save the deb from your /var/cache/apt/archives so you can go back
> to if something that you need breaks in the next version. I am
> currently holding onto 2.1.14 until I am
* Jan Nieuwenhuizen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Chris Cannam interviews Mike Mack Smith.
> A: Well, we believe that Amadeus produces the best quality in the most
>efficient way. [..] I haven't had a long look at Lilypond, but my
>guess is that Amadeus is more advanced.
That's precious
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >Could you try the new version in my website? (2.1.9-2)
> >
> Up and running! Thanks. What did you change?
guess what, pentium optimizations, like Jan suggested!
Lilypond-user mailing list
* Jan Nieuwenhuizen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> lilypond-bin was not complied using special pentium-foo gcc
> optimisations, I hope?
err it was! I had optimisation flags in my .bashrc and forgot
about them. Needless to say, compiling lily without the pentium
optimisation flags solved the pro
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Again, Feri's deb installs a working version,
Could you try the new version in my website? (2.1.9-2)
Lilypond-user mailing list
* Ferenc Wagner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Does anybody find announcements like this actually useful?
> Isn't apt-get update or similar enough? Shall I continue
> spamming the list?
should we send the announcements to the info-lilypond list instead?
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Pedro Kroger wrote:
> >* Erik Sandberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >
> >
> >>then probably the command `/usr/bin/lilypond-bin --version ' did fail, so
> >>you could get a clue from running that com
* Erik Sandberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> then probably the command `/usr/bin/lilypond-bin --version ' did fail, so you
> could get a clue from running that command manually (so you would see stdout
> and stderr). Note that it's lilypond-bin, not lilypond.
that's a good idea, plus, could you
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >To be truly honest, I haven't updated the packages dependencies
> >requirements. I'm going to do it ASAP, maybe that will help.
> >
> Thanks. Lets see what happens.
Could you update to 2.1.9 and see if that works?
Debian Sid packages (binary and sources) of Lilypond 2.1.9 are
available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
deb-src ./
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> My system is now strictly unstable.
> I was wrong. This is not an emacs problem.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/music/pima$ lilypond -V
> lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.1.8
> Opening pipe `/usr/bin/lilypond-bin --version 'lilypond: error:
> `/usr/bin/lil
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I certainly appreciate your effort here but your packages always break
> my emacs setup and Ferenc's always work correctly. This is what emacs says:
> cd /home/paul/music/pima/
> lilypond /home/paul/music/pima/
> lilypond
Hi all,
Debian Sid packages (binary and sources) of Lilypond 2.1.8 are
available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
* Ferenc Wagner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I noticed there is no lilypond.words.vim file to be found
> > anywhere. I also looked in the tar source for one but it
> > was not to be found.
> It's a generated file in elisp/out, which was left out
* Nicolas Sceaux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> The real issue is: what time does it take to write the score with
> LilyPond and Finale? IMHO tap tap tap is a lot faster than clic clic
> clic. Maybe the learning curve of LilyPond is longer (I don't know),
> but having regular text source code and com
* Chip Zoller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I can assure you that no professional engraver will use something
> that has to be engraved through a command line!
What about SCORE? It has been used by the largest publication houses
like Barenreiter, Universal Edition, Schott, Breitkopf & Hartel,
* Atte André Jensen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Nice. Is this gonna be maintained in the future? Do you also keep things
> that lily depends on (guile, tex and friends) there?
I'm planing to became a debian developer and maintain a official
package for the development branch of lilypond. AFAIK,
> How do I get 2.1.3 under debian? The newest on the servers I'm using is
> 2.1.0... Alternatively is there an ugly (but working) "patch this one
> file" or "replace this one file" way to fix the bracket pedal bug in 2.1.0?
If you are running debian "unstable" you may try my "unofficial"
Hi all,
Debian Sid packages (binary and sources) of Lilypond 2.1.5 are
available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
Debian Sid packages (binary and sources) of Lilypond 2.1.2 are
available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
deb-src ./
* Graham Percival ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Would anyone with talent for graphics be interested in making a
> > lilypond logo for shirts?
> I like the cello girl graphic, although it might not be detailed enough
> to use on a shirt. I'm not certain who created it, nor do I know what
> the
Would anyone with talent for graphics be interested in making a
lilypond logo for shirts?
I'd love to wear a lilypond shirt in conferences, install fests, etc.
Lilypond-user mailing list
* Ferenc Wagner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Failed to fetch MD5Sum
> mismatch
> Failed to fetch
> MD5Sum mismatch
> E: Failed to fetch some archives.
> Do you know what
Debian Sid packages (binary and sources) of Lilypond 2.1.0 are
available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
deb-src ./
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I've been using Feri's 2.0.0 for woody quite successfully. I did a
> dist-upgrade and your packages were installed and now I'm getting the
> same error as before. This from emacs but I get the same error invoking
> lilypond directly:
> lilypond -P /
* Aaron ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Since it is not a software project it must be different somehow, hmm,
> just confused.
not really, cvs handles .ly files the exact same way of software
source code.
> If anyone of list could help me with this I would most appreciate it.
I suggest you take a l
Debian Sid packages (binary and sources) of Lilypond 2.0.1 are
available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
deb-src ./
* Aaron ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Ok lets say cvs is the tool.
> Is it also useful for working on a file together??
Indeed! The C in cvs stands for "concurrent". It keeps track of all
modification made in a file. It even can show what
modifications where made by whom in a give time, for example
How about having better support for chord tremolos when whole notes
are involved? In the example bellow, not only the beams in the first
measure should be placed bellow the noteheads, but they should be also
more inclined, like in the second measure. Any changes to see that in
2.1? :-)
\score {
Why I get:
/tmp/ warning: beam has less than two visible stems:
with the following code?
\score {
\notes \context Voice \relative c' {
\repeat "tremolo" 16 {e32\p ( c32)}
Lilypond-user mailing list
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Pedro Kroger wrote:
> >Could you send your .ly file?
> I tried the purge and even this fails the same way:
have you purged and "rm -f"ed the lilypond directories before
reinstalling it?
maybe a silly question, but have
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Pedro Kroger wrote:
> >Could you send your .ly file? I am running out if ideas of what it
> >could be, except the fact that maybe you have lilypond in two
> >different places.
> >
> I wouldn't be surprised since
* Ferenc Wagner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I think the APT repository is set up now. Put
Nice work!
Lilypond-user mailing list
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >>I think/hope it's working. At least is in my system. Could you,
> >>please, give a try?
> >Well that answers my second question. If it works on your system then
> >maybe the problem is on mine.
> >After installing your version I still get:
> As
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Any changes in the emacs code after my last feedback?
> Is anyone else having problems using emacs lilypond-mode with
> Pedro's deb's?
I think/hope it's working. At least is in my system. Could you,
please, give a try?
* Ferenc Wagner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.8 are available from
> > my website:
> Could you make the sources available, too?
Sorry, I couldn't make it for 1.9.8, but I did for 2.0. They are
already in my website
> I will try to follow with Woody package
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 2.0.0 are available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
deb-src ./
And running the commands:
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >>Loading lilypond-mode (source)...
> >>File mode specification error: (invalid-read-syntax "#")
> >>After reinstalling 1.8.1 from Debian unstable emacs works correctly.
> >Which version of Debian are you running? "full" unstable or "mixed"
> >unstable? Wh
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.8 are available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
And running the commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install lilypond
(or apt
* Ferenc Wagner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > It would be nice to have debs of "lilypond-unstable" for
> > debian stable and testing
> I gave that a go (see
> and
> also tried to contact Anthony with some suggestions to make
> this process
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.7 are available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
And running the commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install lilypond
(or apt
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I have cleaned up my .emacs and looked at all the documentation I can
> find.and after installing Pedro's 1.9.6 debs I get the following when
> loading an ly file into emacs
> Loading lilypond-mode (source)...
> File mode specification error: (invalid-
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Did you know there is now a Debian branch called "experimental" that
> might be perfect for this?
No, I didn't. Where can I find info about it?
> 1.9.6 didn't solve my emacs problem but there may be another reason.
that's too bad. Check my another email
* David Raleigh Arnold ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Try it, you'll like it. Could you put a textfile in your lilypond (for
> download) directory showing the commands?
great info, thanks! I've put it in a file called "readme.txt".
> I'm all between distributions right now, but like every lilypo
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.6 are available from my website:
They're also apt-gettable adding the following line to sources.list:
deb ./
And running the commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install lilypond
(or apt
* Han-Wen Nienhuys ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Does that suggest that Pedro's deb's install an incorrect
> > lilypond-mode.el and startup?
> yep. Fixed in CVS.
thanks for that, it will save me some time in the next build :-)
Scott, could you wait until 1.9.6 or w
> I just wanted to know if it is possible to make scores where some staff
> lines are in smaller fonts than the others. It is very common in chamber
> music with piano that the pianist scores also have the notes from the
> other instruments, but smaller.
Try the "tips and tricks" document
> >>I have 1.8.1 installed from unstable. Adding your line to my
> >>sources.list with apt-get install lilypond lilypond-doc I get:
> >>lilypond is already the newest version.
> >>lilypond-doc is already the newest version.
> >Have you run apt-get update ?
> Yes
how about apt-get install lilyp
* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I have 1.8.1 installed from unstable. Adding your line to my
> sources.list with apt-get install lilypond lilypond-doc I get:
> lilypond is already the newest version.
> lilypond-doc is already the newest version.
Have you run apt-get update ?
* Jan Nieuwenhuizen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I don't see why not.
> Because it will cost you some time and you should be willing to keep
> it up for a while;
well, that's how development of free software works :-)
> you'll probably need to be(come) a debian maintainer and do (or help
> A
* Jan Nieuwenhuizen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Pedro Kroger writes:
> > Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.5 are available from my website:
> >
> It's great that you're providing packages. Have you considered making
> t
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.5 are available from my website:
Have fun,
Lilypond-user mailing list
> > could someone provide an example of \markup { \note } ?
> > I'd like to have a metronomic mark like 4 = 4.
> Have you checked in input/test or input/regression ? I'm almost
> certain that such an example exists already.
You are right ( I've checked the manual but I
Hi All,
could someone provide an example of \markup { \note } ?
I'd like to have a metronomic mark like 4 = 4.
Lilypond-user mailing list
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.3 are available from my website:
Have fun,
Lilypond-user mailing list
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.2 are available from my website:
Have fun,
Lilypond-user mailing list
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.1 are available from my website
( as usual.
1.9.0 is no longer available
Lilypond-user mailing list
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.9.0 are available from my website
( for the crazy^H^H^H^H^Hbrave
Enjoy it,
Lilypond-user mailing list
* Graham Percival ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Have you looked at Sly? IIRC, it uses columns for staff lines and rows
> for measures, but it's the same kind of idea.
I was traveling these days, but I'll definitely check it out.
> > An additional feature is that the measures numbers match the co
Debian Sid packages of Lilypond 1.8.1 are available from my website:
Lilypond-user mailing list
* Graham Percival ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Have you looked at Sly? IIRC, it uses columns for staff lines and rows
> for measures, but it's the same kind of idea.
I was traveling these days, but I'll definitely check it out.
> > An additional feature is that the measures numbers match the c
Hi All,
Has anybody used a spreadsheet to typeset music with lily? Although I
really enjoy editors like emacs it seems to me that writing music in
"rows" (for staff lines) and "columns" (for measures) may a good
bet. The user could, for instance, select an entire measure of an
orchestral score (a
> > - At first, I didn't really get the idea of the navigation system.
> >It didn't feel obvious that the top line is the main "menu" and the
> >second line is the submenu within the choice made at the top line.
> >I don't have any good suggestion on how to improve it, though.
> The
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