Dot positions in chord with overlapping voices

2022-05-12 Thread Owen Lamb
How can this be done? N.B. My goal is also Gould's preferred way of engraving such chords; see p. 58: Overlapping Chords. By default, LilyPond outputs her example chords as she would have them "in cramped conditions": <<   {     \cadenzaOn     2.   } \\ {     2.   } >> Thanks in advance, Owen Lamb

Google Summer of Code final submission!

2020-08-31 Thread Owen Lamb
th everyone in the development community, and I'd like to stick around if I can. I plan on continuing to improve SMuFL in LilyPond, but in case I don't follow through, I've included in the summary a list of what to do next. Happy LilyPonding, Owen Lamb Arizona State University

Call for input: shape-notes

2020-07-26 Thread Owen Lamb
ad. Is this distinction important enough that we should ask to make it an official part of SMuFL? (If not, it'll still be around in our font, but it won't be as likely to be found in future fonts made by other folks who abide by the standard.) Thanks in advance for your input, Owen Lamb

Re: Increase/decrease space after barline or after time signature

2020-06-08 Thread Owen Lamb
Hi Paolo, To customize spacing after a barline or time signature grob (or any other similar grob, like a clef), you can try overriding properties in its space-alist. The first-note property dictates spacing when a grob is next to the first note in a line; the next-note property is for when this ha

Re: two lv ties on merged notehead

2020-06-03 Thread Owen Lamb
Hi Michael, Looks like LilyPond prints both lv ties, but they end up at exactly the same spot. The ^ and _ prefixes let you specify direction for most anything, including \laissezVibrer, so you could do this to separate them: \new Staff { << { d,4 ^\laissezVibrer ^\markup{ 0.0 } }

Re: Position of accidentals in chords

2020-05-21 Thread Owen Lamb
Hi Caio, I'm not sure if there's a way to customize the coded order of accidentals, and for some reason tweaking the X-offset property doesn't seem to work either. In your case, making a couple of manual tweaks to the flat's and double-flat's extra-offset properties (which are added after all the