Re: Text setting

2005-10-30 Thread Neil Killeen
fail check occurs regards Neil From: Edward Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Neil Killeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: Lilypond-user Subject: Re: Text setting Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 23:16:38 +1100 (EST) --- Neil Killeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The syntax > >

Text setting

2005-10-30 Thread Neil Killeen
Hi I am still finding placing text a rather arcane art. I wish to place the initial piece marking "Allegro" right at the beginning of my 4-staff piece. The upper three staves are whole-bar rests rests with notes in the last staff. The syntax R1^\markup{ \fontsize #2.5 { With passion }

Grob Direction error

2005-10-28 Thread Neil Killeen
Hi have just upgraded to 2.7.14 from 2.6.31 (Mac version). I now get the rather drammatic error message programming error: Grob direction requested while calculation in progress. the output looks fine so I am wondering if this is a debug statement in the development version ? cheers Neil _

Re: Lyrics, ties, extenders and hyphens

2005-10-27 Thread Neil Killeen
Mats many thanks for following that up. regards Neil From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Neil Killeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: Subject: Re: Lyrics, ties, extenders and hyphens Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 10:17:52 +0200 I have now checked an author

Tempo marking within a string and object moving

2005-10-25 Thread Neil Killeen
Hi again I have the notes under control, so now I want to do the hard part, annotate my music :-) The very first thing I want to do is proving difficult ! I have a layout like this, with 4 staves. The music begins with rests for all parts but the cello.

Re: Tempo change in Midi file

2005-10-25 Thread Neil Killeen
could go into fixing this. regards Neil From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Neil Killeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: Subject: Re: Tempo change in Midi file Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 15:55:48 +0200 I think there was an insightful email in the mailing lists

Re: Tempo change in Midi file

2005-10-24 Thread Neil Killeen
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Neil Killeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: Subject: Re: Tempo change in Midi file Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 15:55:48 +0200 I think there was an insightful email in the mailing lists a couple of years ago that explained that

Tempo change in Midi file

2005-10-24 Thread Neil Killeen
Hello according to the mail archives, I should just insert a \tempo directive whenever I want to change the tempo (I think this should be in the manual). 1) For multiple staff music, should I insert just one set of markings for one of the staves (does it matter which one) or should they

Lyrics, ties, extenders and hyphens

2005-10-24 Thread Neil Killeen
Hi 1) what is the correct thing to do with a lyric and a tie ? Should one use an extender like with a melisma ? Thus a~ a Fish __ Lilypond seems tolerant if I don't add the extender a~ a Fish 2) Also, I am finding extenders and hyphens get mixed up if I do extend ties.

Re: Using addlyrics with a variable

2005-10-10 Thread Neil Killeen
lt;< \new Staff { \context Voice = sop { \sopNotes } } \lyricsto "sop" \new Lyrics \sopLyric >> /Mats } Neil Killeen wrote: Mats, Han thanks for your replies. SInce I imagine I will need add some point to deal with the more complex \lyricsto command,

Re: Using addlyrics with a variable

2005-10-10 Thread Neil Killeen
Mats, Han thanks for your replies. SInce I imagine I will need add some point to deal with the more complex \lyricsto command, do you have an idea about the second problem where it doesn't recognize the declared Voice ? thanks Neil Neil Killeen wrote: The manual does show how to

Using addlyrics with a variable

2005-10-10 Thread Neil Killeen
Hello I am exploring lilypond for the first time. In evaluating its suitability for my purposes, I am making a little test piece to explore layouts. I am having trouble with lyric setting. I would like to use a pre-defined variable with the \addlyrics command (I can't find the answer in the