Thanks so much for this explanation, and for the working version that does
exactly what I wanted! It's very much appreciated.
Marc Evanstein
Sun Aug 04 16:07:28 PDT 2019 Thomas Morley :
> Am So., 4. Aug. 2019 um 22:49 Uhr schrieb Marc Evanstein
> :
Hi all,
I'm trying to define a music function that adds a gliss after a note
down to a second parenthesized grace note. I've tried the following, but
the gliss doesn't show up:
\version "2.19.83"
\language "english"
bendDown =
(parser location first
Hi Kieren,
Many thanks to both you and Rick for your replies. I looked up MarkLine,
and it was exactly what I was looking for.
The one issue I ran into is that I did have to add "\consists
Text_spanner_engraver" to get rit and accel spanners to show up, and now
that they show up, they are not at
ls like maybe I'm missing
something obvious.
Marc Evanstein (formerly Evans)
PhD Candidate in Music Composition at UCSB
Stanford BA '10, Music; MA '11, Music, Science and Technology
r in the near future, and
many thanks for all the help!
September 17, 2018 8:01 AM, "David Kastrup" wrote:
> "Marc Evanstein (formerly Evans)" writes:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to create a variable to handle a certain type of markup
Hi all,
I'm trying to create a variable to handle a certain type of markup text.
For instance, I'd like percussion strikings to be in small caps above
the staff, and what I really want is to define some sort of macro that
replaces all instances of "\striking { theText }" with