issue with \transpose and \relative

2019-02-05 Thread John Doe
Hi, all, The Notation Reference section 1.1.2 says "Music inside a \transpose block is absolute unless a \relative is included in the block". I'm writing a function that uses \transpose to change a variable's pitch in a function. How can I check if the music entered was entered in a \relative blo

Re: creating a function to automate slides (falls) in rock guitar music

2019-02-05 Thread John Doe
> > This works for me, Randy: > > \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag > \once \override Glissando #'(bound-details left Y) = #+3 > | r4 r8 ees'~ ees4 \glissando ges,8 ess > Thanks Michael, overriding the bound details is a good idea, but on chords, all the gliss lines converge to on

creating a function to automate slides in guitar music

2019-02-04 Thread John Doe
Hi, LilyPond users, First post, here. I'm trying to create a function that adds falling gliss lines to a note or chord, as commonly seen in modern guitar transcriptions. (N.B. I'm talking notation, not tablature.) I posted a a question on [StackOverflow][so] which led to a rough working version, b