I wrote:
> Once I can compare the pitch of each note to the key, I can pick the
> shapes ... once I get a shaped-note font. (The dependencies just keep
> snowballing!) I've got a friend with a truetype font, but I don't think
> that will work with TeTeX. (Anyone who corrects me will make me v
is interested.
If I get real lucky and figure out all the above issues to generating
basic shaped notes, I might then look at getting lilypond to run under
Darwin/MacOSX. (I think I would prefer to start with Darwin because it is
free software and there will probably be little work required b
>> "walkon71" == walkon71 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> walkon71> are there any plans to develop any software using shape
> notes (do re mi)?
> Not that I know of, but I'd use them if they were there, too.
I plan to do this. Note that I'm referring to the seven-shape system as
rent direction that the developers do
not want to incorporate your changes/additions, the GNU General Public
License permits you to maintain and distribute your own version. (Just
follow the rules, don't try to take credit for the hard work of Han Wen,
Jan, and others, etc.)
Happy coding!
> Unless someone provides me with a apple machine, MacOS X and a wad of
> extra spare time, I won't be doing this in the near future. But maybe
> you could try to compile lily for MacOS X yourself -- we'd be glad to
> help you if you encounter problems.
>> I would