I have tried that and it works.
Thank you,
On 29 Jan 2006, at 22:06, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Graham Percival wrote:
The .tex file produced by lilypond-book should include the big eps
files. Lilypond-book should not create a .tex file that contains
the small eps files.
Thank you for your reply.
On 26 Jan 2006, at 21:03, Graham Percival wrote:
On 25-Jan-06, at 12:31 PM, Heike Cappel wrote:
I am using lilypond-book on OS X and get several eps files, one
without a -number ending and then one with a -number ending for
each line. The first file is okay, the
I am using lilypond-book on OS X and get several eps files, one without a -number ending and then one with a -number ending for each line. The first file is okay, the others only have staves, no notes. Currently I edit the include file to use the big, working eps.On a different matter, how do I get
Having used on OS X, I would like to use lilypond-book
now. I first tried to use the version within and then
also installed Fink. Whatever I do, I seem to get the following
errors though:
minimac:~ Heike$ lilypond --verbose
GNU LilyPond 2.6.5
ERROR: In pro