(header:title . "The title")
(header:composer . "The composer")
\score { c'1 }
Am Freitag, 22. März 2024, 19:32:05 CET schrieb Go77:
Hello Leo,
I tried your suggestion, but it doesn't put the box around
ld be:
\markup \box \score { c'1 }
22 mars 2024 kl. 15:06 skrev Leo Correia de Verdier
Hi Joop!
Do you mean something like
\markup \box \score { c’1 }
22 mars 2024 kl. 14:40 skrev Go77 :
Hi all,
I tried to find how to draw a box around a piece of music. Looked through t
Hi all,
I tried to find how to draw a box around a piece of music. Looked
through the manual, snippets etc, but didn't find out how to do this
yet. See below what I mean. Any suggestions?
I'd forget voices and do:
\version "2.24.3"
nr = \tweak color #red \etc
\relative c
f'2( g4.)
8 |
<\nr d f>4 q <\nr e g>16 <\nr f a>
a8 r4
HTH, cheers,
Le lun. 18 mars 2024 à 18:44, Go77 a écrit :
I'm trying to color the note heads of a single voice in a staff. I tried
to do that with the following code:
/\version "2.24.3"
\relative c
f'2( g4.)
<< { d8 | f4 f4 g16 a }
{ \override NoteHead.color = #red
g8 | d4 d4 e16 f
\revert N