Yes, Gould does say to always place a slur outside a beam.  And I’m fine with 
that being Lilypond’s default behavior.  But I’d love the ability to tell 
Lilypond to place slurs inside of beams (when possible).
I do have one hymnal that prints slurs inside beams.  I suspect that this 
choice was related to the decision to also beam notes into beats, which I also 
prefer, but isn’t done by any of the other hymnals I have.  So one hymnal puts 
slurs inside beams, but the others only beam slurred notes (and don’t print the 
slur at all).


> On Feb 13, 2023, at 2:16 PM, Brian Barker <> wrote:
> At 11:47 13/02/2023 -0800, Aaron Hill wrote:
>> I am quite used to LilyPond's default handling of slurs with them positioned 
>> next to the beam, but should I be following the source engraving with the 
>> slurs sit inside so they are closer to the note heads? Does Gould offer 
>> advice on this?
> To your latter question, yes: she says "[The slur] should always remain 
> outside a beam" (Behind Bars, p. 111).
> Brian Barker 

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