I would like to have chord names nearer to the staff... How can I do that ?
thank you for your help,
lilypond-user mailing list
I would have to put the dynamics below the lyrics... How can I do that ?
Automatically, the order is: Dynamics, then Lyrics...
lilypond-user mailing list
Ubuntu 8.10.
thanks for your help!
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:25 PM, Patrick McCarty wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:53 PM, François Labadens
> wrote:
> > Here is the result. I think some fonts are missing... Windows refuses to
> > install the .otf fonts of Lilypond. Is
I'm a quite new user of this so really good software.
I'm trying to obtain a svg ouput with Lilypond, but it seems to be
Can someone teach me the synthax in order to have a svg file in ouput ?
(with Windows or Linux, I have both)
You're right, I can import pdfs. But it's more difficult to optimize the
size of the picture: you have to specify in lilypond the exact size of the
musicsheet in order to avoid blank spaces.
lilypond-user mailing list
PDF Creator is correctly interpreting the .ps output of lilypond, but
Scribus can't import it whithout mistakes...
I think the problem doesn't come from Lilypond, but from Scribus's
interpretation of Postscripts...
lilypond-user mailing list
I would like to import musicsheets in Scribus. The only way I found is
export a .png file with Lilypond, and import it in Scribus. But I think that
a .ps importation would be a better solution: less space and better quality.
I put in attachment an exemple of a .ps output (converted in .png by
I tried to use the .ps output, but it's not so good as the .pdf one. It's the
same thing under Windows XP or Ubuntu 7.10.
Do you have any solutions ?
lilypond-user mailing list