Re: Organ pedal marks in various styles, including pedal glides: new snippet 1184

2024-04-09 Thread Fernando Gil
This is extremely helpful, thank you so much! El mar, 9 abr 2024 a las 6:40, Rudolf Cardinal () escribió: > Dear Lilypond users with an interest in organ music, > > Lilypond's standard commands for organ pedal marks are: \lheel, \ltoe, > \rheel, \rtoe. However, there are several recognized ways o

Re: Cadenza in right hand, metered in left

2023-08-03 Thread Fernando Gil
Perhaps using \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1 to push the note to the right? El jue, 3 ago 2023 a las 8:58, Knute Snortum () escribió: > We are so close! I used > > \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t > \newSpacingSection > > to start the strict spacing and >

Alternative Key on satb template

2023-05-20 Thread Fernando Gil
Dear list, I’m trying to add the functionality of this snippet to the template bundled in lilypond, but I am having trouble in finding the way to do so. I tried adding the code snippet to the template, also directly into my file, first attempt was

Re: Tie in markup (lyrics)

2023-01-18 Thread Fernando Gil
You may try: \markup \concat { \tied-lyric "he~yo" } El mié, 18 ene 2023 a las 17:50, David Kastrup () escribió: > Stephan Schöll writes: > > > Hi everybody > > > > I have stanzas 2..n put as markup below the score. In one stanza there > > are two syllables on one note. In lyricmode I'd writ

Re: ForScore and lilypond

2022-12-05 Thread Fernando Gil
Hi Molly, I do not use ForScore, but perhaps it has to do with the point and click option, take a look here:

Re: Mac Monterey 12.3 and Lilypond 2.2.2

2022-03-17 Thread Fernando Gil
I recently did a successful installation on Monterey via MacPorts, Homebrew version caused an ghostscript crash on my Frescobaldi. Hope that helps El jue., 17 de marzo de 2022 1:49 p. m., Michael T Abrams <> escribió: > Hi, > > Seems confusing to me that the gitlab 64 bit ve

Re: Asterisk before first syllable of verse

2021-10-20 Thread Fernando Gil
Does this help? You'll need also to adjust to match your preference for that syllable \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT StanzaSix = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2." \set language = "es" \override StanzaNumber #'font-shape = #'italic \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'ital

Re: Stemless noteheads

2021-02-10 Thread Fernando Gil
Define this stemOff = { \omit Staff.Stem \omit Staff.Beam \omit Staff.Flag } Then you can use \stemOff to achieve that. Regards! Fer Gil El mié., 10 de febrero de 2021 11:37 p. m., stefano franchi <> escribió: > I feel very stupid, but I just spent an hour reading

Re: lilyglyphs issue?

2020-09-09 Thread Fernando Gil
9 sept. 2020 a las 3:35, Urs Liska () escribió: > Am Mittwoch, den 09.09.2020, 00:55 -0500 schrieb Fernando Gil: > > I'm sorry if this question does not belong here: > > I'm sorry if this question does not belong here. > > > It's OK to post this here, although

lilyglyphs issue?

2020-09-08 Thread Fernando Gil
I'm sorry if this question does not belong here: I'm sorry if this question does not belong here. I'm trying to use lilyglyphs with TeX but no matter if it's a large code or a small one like this one below, it prints a square as you can see in the attachment. I've tried changing the text font bu

Re: Spacing of systems while using lyluatex

2020-08-25 Thread Fernando Gil
@Claire: You should be able also to select staffsize when including your files in any TEX document: \lilypondfile[staffsize=14]{YourFile} @Jacques: Is your system pointing correctly to lilypond? Be sure to point to your executable, mine is: \usepackage[debug=true, program=/Applications/LilyPon

Re: Is there a way to patch the lyrics tie character?

2020-08-15 Thread Fernando Gil
s again! El sáb., 15 ago. 2020 a las 13:49, Thomas Morley () escribió: > Am Fr., 14. Aug. 2020 um 16:10 Uhr schrieb Fernando Gil < >>: > > > > Hello to everyone, I'm struggled with the lyrics tie character when > using an alternate font from

Is there a way to patch the lyrics tie character?

2020-08-14 Thread Fernando Gil
Hello to everyone, I'm struggled with the lyrics tie character when using an alternate font from Music Type Foundry. Since lilypond uses character from the music font, when using an alternate font with the character missing, it doesn't show. I have a workaround that goes like this: Cuer -- \mark

Is there a way to patch the lyrics tie character?

2020-08-14 Thread Fernando Gil
Hello to everyone, I'm struggled with the lyrics tie character when using an alternate font from Music Type Foundry. Since lilypond uses character from the music font, when using an alternate font with the character missing, it doesn't show. I have a workaround that goes like this: Cuer -- \mark