is it possible to shorten the second volta bracket to the length of two
quarter notes? Placing the string
\set Score.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 2 4)
between both alternatives doesn't work.
Thanks in advance
Felix J
Bertalan Fodor wrote:
> I've never used \partcombine, but I suppose it could be good:
> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.2/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond/Automatic-part-combining.html
Hello Bertalan,
I entered the piano part from scratch. \partcombine works according to
the manual only with tw
track but
midi2ly does not work with different voices. Sometimes I need two
different voices and sometimes there are just chords.
If there is no way, I have to typeset the piano staff and this is much work!
Thank you for your replies.
Felix Jaacks
PS: I have Lilypond 2.2.5 on De
> When I try to generate a PDF file, can't find the file. How can I fix
> this?
if you use the cygwin version under windows, look in the log-file
lilypond created in the same folder. There won't be any pdf-file, if an
error occurred during processing the fil