between stanza spacing

2011-10-19 Thread Cordilow
There was once a way to make the stanzas (lyric verses) closer to each other a few versions of LilyPond ago. Now, however, they're kind of far apart again, whether or not they're closer than without what I'm doing (this is in the current version, the development version as well as some of the prev

Re: Parallel dynamics, markup, sponsor, etc.

2010-10-19 Thread Cordilow
> It's a nice idea, however i'd prefer that LilyPond would do this more automatically (the less input user needs to type the better). > Lily forgets about dynamics that are not related to any other dynamics, > i.e. too far apart (like 2 full measures apart or 30 staff spaces apart) … It's a good

Re: Parallel dynamics, markup, sponsor, etc.

2010-10-19 Thread Cordilow
> If I understand correctly, is this similar to the (rather hackish, imo) lsr snippet? I don't think so. What I mean is with multiple notes so that the dynamics above each note (not the same note) are the same height above the staff. -- View this message

Re: Parallel dynamics, markup, sponsor, etc.

2010-10-19 Thread Cordilow
> a'\p?var1 c' d' b'\mf?var1 f'\markup{asdf}?var1 d''2\?var2 b'\! I mean, all the var1 dynamics are parallel with each other. All the var2 dynamics are parallel with each other. However, the var1 dynamics are not parallel with the var2 ones (unless by coincidence). -- View this message in contex

Parallel dynamics, markup, sponsor, etc.

2010-10-18 Thread Cordilow
In most music I see out there, I've noticed that related dynamics (and often markup) are usually parallel (such that if you drew a horizontal line, it would meet both at the same vertical position). In fact, I'm hard pressed to think of a situation where they're not in the sheet music I've seen pu

Re: Crescendo or decrescendo on one note

2010-10-18 Thread Cordilow
Thanks! Works well, even if it takes a little time. James Bailey-4 wrote: > > I would do this: > soprano = \relative c'' { > … > c4. d8 es4. as,8| %11 > b2 r4 > } > sopranoDynamics = { > … > s2 s4\< s8\! s\>| %11 > % or possibly > % s2 s8\<

Crescendo or decrescendo on one note

2010-10-18 Thread Cordilow
I have a situation where there are only two notes considered, side by side. One has a crescendo and the next has a decrescendo. Any ideas on how to do this? I looked at the documentation and could only find something doable with a three note combination, or with both on a single note (as with \esp

Choice of ending?

2010-07-31 Thread Cordilow
I found an old song and it gives me to know that it has two endings—you get to choose which one. It's not like you repeat after the first and go to the second. You just choose either one and leave the other unplayed. Is there some standard way of doing this, by chance? I'm not sure what words to

Re: Short decrescendo

2008-11-18 Thread Cordilow
Risto Vääräniemi-2 wrote: > > Try putting \once \override Hairpin #'to-barline = ##f in front of the > crescendo / decrescendo you want to extend beyond the barline. Like > this. > > … Excellent. Thanks! I guess it wasn't a bug after all, eh? Just a default setting or such. :) -- View this me

Re: Centering chorus between even verses

2008-11-18 Thread Cordilow
Marek Klein wrote: > > Maybe this snippet is what you are looking for: > Yep—that's exactly what I was looking for. :) Thanks! -- View this message in context: Sent f

Centering chorus between even verses

2008-11-17 Thread Cordilow
Sometimes it's desirable to have the chorus begin on the same system as the end of the rest of the song. I have a situation where I need to do this. Unfortunately, there are an even number of stacked lyric verses (or whatever you call them). I'd rather have the chorus centered between the two vers

Short decrescendo

2008-11-17 Thread Cordilow
Does anyone know how to make this decrescendo go all the way to the a'2? It's supposed to, I think. Here's the code I used for the entire line, just in case some of this pertains to this effect: fis'8^\mp (e') d'4.^\< (e'8) fis' [(g')] a

Nabble forum archive for this list

2008-10-30 Thread Cordilow
Are there any plans to move the Nabble archive of this Lilypond list from Nabble 1 to Nabble 2? Anyway, you might even want to consider using Nabble 2 directly, as forums there double as emailing lists if you subscribe to them. They work quite well, and this would provide for a lot of flexibility

Lilypond versus … everything else

2008-10-30 Thread Cordilow
This isn't a technical question about how to use Lilypond, but rather I'm wondering if other programs are capable of doing all that Lilypond can. It seems like there are quite a lot of things in LilyPond I that I suspect other programs don't even offer. Is this true? For instance, can you make an

Re: Measure markup

2008-10-30 Thread Cordilow
Mats Bengtsson-4 wrote: > > Reading the full question and not only the first lines, you should > perhaps look at using … Excellent. Both of these things should help a lot—although it looks like I need the development version for the latter example to work—I'll go try it out and see. But first,

Measure markup

2008-10-29 Thread Cordilow
I'm wondering if it's possible to do text markup relative to a measure bar instead of to a note. I'm wondering this because this is approximately* where the hymn-style piano introduction brackets (i.e. kind of like these characters, ⌜ and ⌝, only thinner and larger) are supposed to go, and it's q

Re: piano introduction marks

2008-10-24 Thread Cordilow
This post is in response to an old post questioning about how to do hymn-style piano introduction brackets. Cordilow wrote: >Nevermind, actually! > >I think I found what I was looking for: ┌ (U+250C) and ┐(U+2510). > >The tops are a little shorter than the bottoms, though, but

Lyric encoding for midis

2007-08-29 Thread Cordilow
I've been having trouble with my karaoke midis made from LilyPond, seeing as my midi player doesn't do UTF-8. Generally speaking, the only UTF-8 characters I need are also included in the extended ASCII character set (which my karaoke player—or pretty much any karaoke player—should be fine with).

Re: stanzas outside the music

2006-02-18 Thread cordilow
Someone helped me to realize the answer to this. I didn't realize you could use text markup outside of a score and that the default alignment for such, below the score, is to the left border of the staff. This makes many things feasible. However, what if you want the lyrics/text positioned to t

stanzas outside the music

2006-02-18 Thread cordilow
A long time ago, I asked how to put stanzas outside the music. Hymns often have lots of verses and all of them aren't always included in the music (some are just written outside of the music, to save space, without syllable markings). Someone told me that the documentation explained how to do th

new key signatures

2006-02-17 Thread cordilow
Is it possible to create 'new' key signatures? I mean, I desire to be able to make key signatures for my own scales. For instance, here is a favorite scale of mine: B C D# E F G# A B. In other words, it would have a sharp sign for the D and G alone (and this without showing accidentals for the s

left-align text markup

2006-02-17 Thread cordilow
How do you do line breaks with left-align? It doesn't work like center-align or column. Is there an alternative method of doing this? I desire to have multiple lines of text on the bottom left corner of the page. This is easy enough to do at the top of the page, due to all the header items, but

Re: piano introduction marks

2006-02-02 Thread cordilow (sent by
Nevermind, actually! I think I found what I was looking for: ┌  (U+250C) and  ┐(U+2510). The tops are a little shorter than the bottoms, though, but I think that's font-dependent, anyway. View this message in context: Re: piano introduction marks Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at Nab

Re: Footers/headers and line breaks

2006-02-02 Thread cordilow (sent by
Oh, That's awesome!  About the HTML, with Lilypond-book, I mean. Wow--that makes me happy.  All you have to do is surround your lilypond file in and then type something like lilypond-book -o thePathOfOurputPlusFileName nameOfFile. Of course, you have to change the extension to html instead of l

problem with cue notes

2006-02-01 Thread cordilow (sent by
Here's part of the bass part to a song: {         \voiceFour         b, 2 4 4 4. a,8 d2 } I want the lower notes in the interval brackets (i.e. the g, in ) mentioned to be cue notes. How is this possible, the way I have it set up?  Is it possible?  I don't want to make another voice, because it'

Footers/headers and line breaks

2006-02-01 Thread cordilow (sent by
Hello, I was wondering how to create a footer.  The documentation talks about them, but it never says how to make them.  So far, I've only been able to make a footer by using tagline in the header. The following does not work, or compile for that matter: \footer {    poet = "some poet"    compos

piano introduction marks

2006-02-01 Thread cordilow (sent by
Hello, I'm searching for a way to represent hymn-style piano introduction marks in Lilypond.  I've looked at all the unicode characters I could find, and I haven't found anything appropriate.  These are the closest characters I could find: ΓГЃгךדר But they don't exactly work professionally.  I ne

Italian/Spanish: multiple vowels on one note

2006-02-01 Thread cordilow (sent by
Hello, I've been searching for a way to represent what looks like an upside down breve, and also what looks like a breve spaced as low as an underscore. Anyway, I have music I want to notate, in Italian and Spanish, that uses these characters (the first for Italian, the second for Spanish).  The

Vertical lyric/stanza spacing

2006-02-01 Thread cordilow (sent by
Hello, I've been trying to figure this out for months and months--ever since I started using Lilypond, anyway. I've looked at the documentation (2.6.4), and I could not find a way to change the vertical spacing, or padding, or whatever it is in this case, between verses of lyrics (stanzas). I'