I am transcribing music for some music books and I am generating EPS
files using lilypond-book.
I read the manual and looked at the newsgroup, seeing that line widths
are set using a block that defines the paper width:
I wondered if there was a way to set the lin
Let me begin by encouraging the developers of the LilyPond Music
Type-setting System. What a wonderful program! They also appear to
provide great support for issues that are raised. In an email exchange
with LilyPond developer Graham Percival, this problem was cleared up.
This posting is to
ff <<
\new Staff = "treble" << \relative c'' { a b c d e f g a' } >>
\layout { }
\midi { }
Clifford Racz wrote:
I am usi
I am using v. 2.10.33 and I am getting no midi output when using
LilyPond-book (i.e. \include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly" ).
%Example that works
\version "2.10.33"
\include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly"
\score {