SVG export problem

2014-12-23 Thread Christian McConnell
Hello all, I've had a problem I can't figure out. When I export an SVG from Lilypond, and try to import it to Libreoffice or Scribus, it's blank. Breaking it down, it works like this: - The problem occurs whether I create the Lilypond SVG from Frescobaldi, or from the command line. - Th

Re: how to make a songbook

2011-12-12 Thread Christian McConnell
The solution is simple: use vector graphics. Added bonus: with an svg, you can tweak the details (spacing, etc.) in Inkscape, really easily. I do that, then save as an eps, and then put it into Scribus. It's a few steps, to be sure, but I love the results. Chris McConnell Message: 4 Date: Mo

markup problem solved

2011-04-15 Thread Christian McConnell
I figured out my problem: I was including It's not a chant piece, but I wanted to include so I could use the \divisioMinima for tick marks. As soon as I took that out, it worked right. Chris___ lilypond-user mailing list li

markup and note spacing

2011-04-15 Thread Christian McConnell
Hello everyone, I've been running into a problem, and I can't seem to figure it out. When I add a text markup to one note, the next note is automatically spaced to the right, to the end of the markup. It's like \textLengthOn is on by default, and inserting \textLengthOff doesn't seem to help.

Re: Frescobaldi on GNOME

2011-02-08 Thread Christian McConnell
--- Hello, I'd like to try Frescobaldi into a GNOME environment, i.e. without switching to KDE; is this possible at all? I guess a bunch of libraries will need to be installed, but only if they are not excessive I'd like to give it a try. It would be fine to hear from experi

chordname suffixes not superscript?

2010-05-29 Thread Christian McConnell
Hello everyone, I've been a lurker, and I'm still something of a newbie, but I'm enjoying using Lilypond and I appreciate the help this list has been. My question is this: is there a way to set chordnames so that the chord suffix, no matter what it is, is not superscript? In other words, can I