> How could I avoid this ?
you need to use backslashes before each of the spaces like this:
%lilypond %args /home/yoochan/classeur/lilypond/danse\
macabre\ -\ St\ Saens/alto.ly
> Moreover, I would like to use "evince" instead of JPedal as pdf
> reader, does someone have some tips on how to do thi
> is there a way to make the circles closer in the macro definition?
i overrode the baseline-skip property, and now the circles are closer together.
fingerD = \markup{\override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \column{◍ ● ● }}
lilypond-user mailing list
Mats Bengtsson ee.kth.se> writes:
> If you want to save some typing, you can define macros for these
> patterns, like
> fingerD = \markup{\column{◍ ● ● }}
> and then use them like d16^\fingerD
i like the idea of using a macro, but there is more space in the vertical
Chris Capoccia spamcop.net> writes:
> the tin whistle fingering tips might be helpful:
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.general/3651
using the idea from the tin whistle fingering discussion, i was able to come up
with something that i think will wor
is it possible to place fingering diagrams in the score like this:
the solid holes are closed finger holes. the open holes are not covered by the
finger. the cracked closed hole is the one used to make vibrato.
i don't need to reproduce the diagr