New lines (whishlist) ... ?

2021-10-28 Thread Charlie Boilley
Hi, The latest Lily release is very welcomed with great contempory lines and layout objets rotation, thank you ! Would it be possible to : - Combine multiple shapes into one line (with primitives : sin, tri, square, saw, Bravura glyphs, ...) ? - Stretching the line with anchor points ex. one

Licensing and custom lines

2021-10-28 Thread Charlie Boilley
Dear Lilypond community, --- 1. About GPL licensing, again. Sorry to bother you, but I'm confused by this : "All code linked with GPL 3.0 source code must be disclosed under a GPL 3.0 compatible license." from the GPL license. And this :

3 questions

2021-10-26 Thread Charlie Boilley
Hello, Relatively new user here. Do MuseScore 4.x could attract Lilypond users or will Lilypond still be maintened in the next decade as a open source Dorico alternative ? - How large is the Lilypond community ? - Why not a Discourse forum ? - Why not a clean MusicXML imprt / export thoughout a