Re: Adjusting the Space Between Systems on a Per Page basis

2017-10-18 Thread Brian kozaczek
Nailed it!! thanks guys! I used; \paper {  #(set-paper-size "letterlandscape")  indent = 20    system-system-spacing = #'(( padding . 6))  system-count = #10  page-count = #5    } yuss!On Tuesday, October 17, 2017, 12:02:07 PM EDT, SoundsFromSound wrote: Simon Albrecht-2 wrote >> I've g

Creating Metric Modulation Tempo Indications

2017-09-15 Thread Brian kozaczek
Hello All, I need to create a metric modulation tempo indicationwhere the quarter note of a septuplet equals an eighth note in the next measure where the new tempo (in parentheses) is 4 = 63.  I'm not sure how to add the bracket for the septuplet quarter note, and also put the new tempo in paren

Breaking Ties to Avoid Time Signature Changes

2017-08-28 Thread Brian kozaczek
Hi All, How do I break ties from a chord (single voice) that overlap a changed time signature in the next measure? Thanks, Brian ___ lilypond-user mailing list