[no subject]

2018-02-01 Thread Ben Big Noise
Dear LilyPond fellows, who has some experience in creating PNG files on MacOSX? The problem is that conversion from EPS to PNG fails: --- Processing `OOoLilyPond.ly' Parsing... Interpreting music... Preprocessing graphical objects... Ca

Re: How to position a markup on top of the system?

2014-12-19 Thread Big Noise
Hi Wim, in your markup command, add those two lines: \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0) \translate #'(0 . -5) so the whole example now looks like this: % --- \version "2.18.0" % an arrow used to signal low play: achtvabassaa

Re: Colored arrows (alternative method)

2014-12-08 Thread Ben Big Noise
Seems like I've got serious trouble with automatic line breaking. Hopefully it works this time. If not: see attachment. Cheers, Klaus % --- \version "2.18.2" forwardArrow = #(define-music-function (parser locati

Re: Can LyricExtender ignore/skip syllables?

2014-12-07 Thread Big Noise
P.P.S.: I've read that the lyric-extender-interface has a user settable property called "next": |next| (graphical (layout) object) Object that is next relation (e.g., the lyric syllable following an extender). but I have no idea how to deal with that... :( _

Can LyricExtender ignore/skip syllables?

2014-12-07 Thread Big Noise
Hi everybody, does anyone know how to make the LyricExtender ignore/skip one or more syllables? I.e. the extender line should *not* stop at the next syllable: (preview image) For the above picture, I've used a workaround: % --- \version "2.

Can LyricExtender ignore/skip syllables?

2014-12-07 Thread Big Noise
Hi everybody, does anyone know how to make the LyricExtender ignore/skip one or more syllables? I.e. the extender line should *not* stop at the next syllable: (preview image) For the above picture, I've used a workaround: % --- \version "2.

Can LyricExtender ignore/skip syllables?

2014-12-07 Thread Big Noise
P.P.S.: I've read that the lyric-extender-interface has a user settable property called "next": |next| (graphical (layout) object) Object that is next relation (e.g., the lyric syllable following an extender). but I have no idea how to deal with that... :( _

Re: scheme problem: colored background, layers

2014-12-06 Thread Big Noise
Hi guys, ...always open for new challenges... I've opened a new thread for this new subject: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2014-12/msg00112.html Thanks to Urs and Malte for your ideas. Cheers, Klaus Am 04.12.2014 um 18:01 schrieb lilypond-user-requ...@gnu.org: From: Malte Me

Colored arrows (alternative method)

2014-12-06 Thread Big Noise
Hi everyone, in this thread I'll continue a "side product" from another thread: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/scheme-problem-colored-background-layers-tc169023.html The idea was to create colored arrows that automatically adapt to layout changes. Thanks to Urs and Malte for your ideas

Re: Displaying add9

2014-12-04 Thread Big Noise
Aaah, I just discovered that it's possible to use attachments... Cheers, Klaus \version "2.18.0" gtrharmony = \chordmode { \semiGermanChords c1:9^7 c1:9 c1:7 } chExceptionMusic = { 1-\markup { \super "add9"} } % Convert music to list and prepend to existing exceptions. chExceptions

Re: Displaying add9

2014-12-04 Thread Big Noise
Hi Jan, there's a snippet that can help: http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=459 In your case, this should do the trick: % --- chExceptionMusic = { 1-\markup { \super "add9"} } % Convert music to list and prepend to existing exceptions.

Re: scheme problem: colored background, layers

2014-12-03 Thread Big Noise
Hi everybody, now I could finish two scores that have been waiting for that colored background trick. Maybe they are somewhat extreme examples... If anyone is interested: http://jkg-musik.jimdo.com/lilypond For the colored arrows from the second example, I've created a snippet as well: http:

Re: scheme problem: colored background, layers

2014-12-02 Thread Ben Big Noise
Wow - that's amazing. Having contributed to the LSR feels good :) Thanks for adding and code optimizing. Cheers, Klaus Am 02.12.2014 um 09:41 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider Add to the LSR : http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=960 Waiting for your comments. Cheers, Pierre ___

Re: scheme problem: colored background, layers

2014-12-01 Thread Big Noise
AC4/Do8L81Al19I/s1600/ly-ex5.gif Cheers, Klaus Blum Am 29.11.2014 um 10:43 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider: Hi Klaus, 2014-11-29 10:30 GMT+01:00 Big Noise <mailto:benbigno...@gmx.de>>: thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, changing the layer value from -10 to -2 doe

Re: scheme problem: colored background, layers

2014-11-29 Thread Big Noise
ereas overriding the StaffSymbol seems to be a very easy way... Cordialement, Klaus Blum Am 29.11.2014 um 10:05 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider: Hi, 2014-11-29 1:15 GMT+01:00 Big Noise <mailto:benbigno...@gmx.de>>: Here is my problem: Now the staff lines and the yellow rectang

scheme problem: colored background, layers

2014-11-28 Thread Big Noise
Hello everybody, for analysis purposes, I'd like to put a colored background behind some notes. Here's my first approach: \version "2.18.0" { << { R1 c'2 g' c' r R1 } \\ { \override Voice.ClusterSpanner.color = #(rgb-color 0.5 0.6 1) \override Voice.ClusterSpanner.l