Re: simultaneous use of "long term" and "short term"crescendo/descrescendo

2005-10-24 Thread Bart Diels
That's it! Thanks for your accurate help. Bart On 22-10-2005 19:19, "Andrew Sidwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Bart Diels wrote: >> I would like to use "long term" and "short term" crescendos and decrescendos >> simultaneously, but I

simultaneous use of "long term" and "short term" crescendo/descrescendo

2005-10-22 Thread Bart Diels
I would like to use "long term" and "short term" crescendos and decrescendos simultaneously, but I cannot find out how to. Consider the following example: \version "2.6.3" melody = \relative c' { a\< b\!\> c\! d e f\< g\!\> a\! } \score { \new Staff \melody \layout { } } W

Beams across bars across systems

2005-10-17 Thread Bart Diels
re is a simplified and exagerated example of what I am trying; imagine this being a fragment of the first violin part of a string quartet. How could this be made to work? Best wishes, Bart Diels \version "2.7.11" melody = \relative c' { \clef treble \key a \major

Beams across bars across systems

2005-10-17 Thread Bart Diels
L.S., As a Lilypond newbie I encounter problems with the following. In a certain part of my piece the melody line typically exists of an alternation of quaver rests and quavers. All quavers that belong to one phrase are linked by beams. Those beams usually go across bar lines. As many phrases do

lilypond problem

2004-04-26 Thread Bart Diels
w. gives a silly pdf, my own .ly-file no pdf whatsoever. Bart Diels PYTHON2 heeft een fout met betrekking tot een ongeldige pagina veroorzaakt in module CYGICONV-2.DLL op0157:18c8d098. Registers: EAX= CS=0157 EIP=18c8d098 EFLGS=00010246 EBX=18c9 SS=015f ESP=0073e250 EBP=00