Re: lyrics free from notes

2007-06-04 Thread Alan Jones
#x27;4 c'4 } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "ref" { one two three } >> /Mats Trevor Bača wrote: > On 6/4/07, Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> >> On Jun 3, 2007, at 9:41 PM, Alan Jones wrote: >> >> > Hi, >> > I need a wa

lyrics free from notes

2007-06-03 Thread Alan Jones
Hi, I need a way to specify which beats the words of my lyrics fall on independent of the voice that they are associated with. In the attached example I have three words that I want on the corresponding beats: one, two, three. However, because the voice has a half note for the last two beats Lil

placement of figured bass

2007-05-15 Thread Alan Jones
I've been trying to use a combination of figured bass and lyrics to provide romain numeral annotation to music. In the following example, the figured bass is placed far below and to the right of the corresponding lyric: \version "2.10.17" \relative c' { c d e f } \addlyrics { I V IV ii } \new

figured base does not track notes in staff

2007-05-14 Thread Alan Jones
I took the following example from the documentation, but added the tailing g's. No matter how many notes are cramed into the line, the figures remain in the same place. Aren't the figures supposed to track with the notes similar to lyrics? Alan \version "2.10.17" \new Voice { \clef bass dis4 c

figured base with suspensions

2007-03-28 Thread Alan Jones
Hi, I'm trying to use lilypond to prepare homework for my first year theory class, so the figured base feature is of interest to me. However, my text book and teacher use base figures with suspensions, e.g.: 6 2-3 ... for first inversion triad with base voice 2-3 suspension. I've tried using mu

markup in stanza number

2007-03-27 Thread Alan Jones
I had trouble using markups for stanza numbers inside of lyricmode. However, assigning it to a variable seems to work around the problem. bflat = \markup { "B" \flat ":" } textA = { \lyricmode { \override LyricText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 9.1) \override StanzaNumber #'extra-offset = #'(0 .