Windows XP SP3. Please report this bug, because I don't subscribe to that list.
lilypond-user mailing list
Thank you for your kind reply. So it may be a bug, since it's impossible to
omit the empty grace for the correct alignment of music. Also, if you use
2.17.19 to compile, the application will abort suddenly. But when I comment out
the music as instrument groups (ww+br, or Perc+Str), no error occu
With some adjustment, I can now make an a3 score and scale it to a4 when
printing to an image. But there's one problem, in bar 8 the sextuplet always
has no bracket. I put the required settings in the score file and removed the
\include line, but the proeblem is still here. Is anything
I just finished a song for an enterprise. But the problem is very strange
even after I learned the manual. The first 16 bars has 2 verses, then there are
two alternatives. At first, the words couldn't match the music, and now, after
removing \autoBeamOff, I can't find any words in the p
I'm extremely busy, but I have to report the bad news that LP still haven't
solved this problem. It's not so easy for me to reduce the file, but you'll
find lp unexpectly aborts at bar 240. I remember it ever aborts at bar 160-168,
due to temporarily added staves. What's the current err
Dear David,
I just came back from Osaka, Japan. I just tried the latest build with
modified, and there are errors on #(define-music-function... at the
second half of the file. But some such functions don't generate error. Why?
Dear David,
Thank you for the further patch. I can wait for the fix, but don't know what
you mean my hiding of in This file was created mainly from
many lilyponders' macros, and my ones are only text variables such as \rit,
\allegro and some contexts.
It's strange that Lilypond's website is blocked by our GFW. Now I can cross
it, but if one day the software can't keep up with the blockade, I have to stop
at that point and can't get the new version. Is there any way to prevent the
web from blockade?
Before I make a 16 track midi to show the remaining bug on midi output in the
recent devel versions, I'll suggest an improvement upon I
changed the following line, and the non-slurred music sounds more natural,
while the slurred music still gets more smooth:
#(define ac:n
I'm trying two sided printing. It's strange: I set inner 40\mm and outer 10.
The odd pages are ok, but on even pages, the score is shifted very left, and
the instr names are eaten. In my opinion, the even pages must have left margin
10 and right 40 for binding, but the right is too wide
Dear Robin,
> It is as if the arpeggio code doesn't notice the staff change.
> Here is a workaround which doesn't prevent a collision but disguises it.
> Insert a transparent breathing sign after s2 in the right hand:
> \once \override BreathingSign #'transparent = ##t \breathe
Thanks, but unfo
Lilypond 2.13.58 still has bug on mid output. Because the max number of instr
is 16, and now the midi output considers every instr instead of track as an
item, the result of program change still causes error. For example, I have a
full orch score with 14 sounds plus perc. Then I change stri
I'm coming to the final adjustment of my overture while a bug troubles me so
much. In the below harp excerpt, the arpeggio sign collides with the a'4
natural of the treble.
\version "2.13.57"
\paper {
ragged-right = ##t
upper = \relative c'' {
Thanks. I don't know whether Lilypond can accomplish the result like this:,_Op.6_(Webern,_Anton
This is a real publishable layout, since there are no white spaces on the
pages. I mentioned it in my post "irregula French Score".
Calling, written in 2006.
\version "2.13.7"
\header {
tagline = ##f
title = \markup { \fontsize #2 "Calling" }
composer = \markup { \fontsize #3 \bold "Hu Haipeng" }
copyright = "© 2006, All Right
Thanks. But I can't find the default value in the IR. Where's it?
lilypond-user mailing list
Lilypond 2.13.57 outputs midi in a extreme bad manner! Please compile a
piece you recently wrote, and you'll collapse when listening the result. All
note values are messed up, and in orchestral score, all instruments start at
the beginning, like a pan of boiling water!
I find the culprit for my score. The staff lines are thick, and when the
staff size is reduced to 10, the space between two staff lines is very few. How
to make the staff lines thinner? My mother saw many Finale scores published by
our People's Music Publishing are very clear, and some
Again for the full score pagination. A professor first tried to read a4
version, and he must use a magnifying glass. I then compiled the a3 version
(the link below, containing all score/parts/code/midi files. He said that it's
actually not the problem of paper size, since many large scores are p
I had my mother look at my full score of the overture, and then compared with
some other published scores. She found that my French score leaves many blank
spaces at the bottom of some pages, while other scores always use blank staves
to fill in. For example, the following Webern piece:
I found a problem of Midi output in 2.13.56. If you write a timpani roll like
\repeat tremolo 4 c32\mp\< \repeat tremolo 8 c c8\!f
and use unfold in midi block, The output will sound weird. The second note is
already \f. This problem is very obviously when I write some long notes
Thanks. Will the 1.5 cm margin causes binding difficulty?
lilypond-user mailing list
Thank you for the patch. I could have thought of this reason, but...
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello Francisco,
Does this work? I can't know it from my pdf reder's txt conversion. Or must I
x-offset the instr name of grand staff to -1 or -2?
\version "2.13.52"
\paper {
ragged-right = ##t
\header {
tagline = ##f
one = \relative c' {
\clef treble \time 4/4
Ok, but the RhythmicStaff thing must be solved. I'll search the IR to add
spaces between the two levels, or perhaps add some spaces before the closing
quote in the instr name field.
lilypond-user mailing list
Ok, then please send bug reports (because I'm not a programmer, I don't
subscribe to the devel and bug lists) consists of the following:
1. RhythmicStaff causes GrandStaff's instr name and brace disappear. This is
important, because in my orchestral work there're large percussion sections in
I meant to show a bug that the instrument name in the GrandStaff collide with
the instr names in its child staves, but the following file gives no instr name
in the grand staff level, although I find the engraver is added in the What's wrong?
Thanks, I found the fix in the git dir, and will wait for the next version.
lilypond-user mailing list
One regression from 2.13.53 to 54 is, the program change in midi doesn't
effect the following note. Thus, when you set midi instrument before a note,
this note remains sounding the previous instrument.
lilypond-user maili
Thank you all!
lilypond-user mailing list
I ever asked 3 signs, and 2 (portato and martellato) have been solved. Now I
just finished my second orchestral work and am revising. The articulation makes
my head big. There are many mezzo-staccatoed notes, but I just used portato. I
think it's not correct, because it's just a line. I
Three years ago, when I defined a function, someone told me that in Lily
Scheme can only take up to 3 arguments. I don't know whether this limitation is
eliminated now, so could you tell me whether the following prints correctly?
\version "2.13.50"
triTempo =
I'm wondering whether there's a complete changelog for every devel version.
The reason is, when I compile my score with the very recent two versions (I
have not compiled it for a little long time), I found there are two instrument
names in GrandStaff. At that time, didn
Thank you Nick and Graham! I said that you must remove %{ and %} to get the
correct frame to construct the pdf. Since the midi frame already took 1.1GB
RAM, it's obviously the score frame will cost more. FOrtunately, this is not my
problem, and I'll buy a new machine on 20th of this month, XP wi
I'm almost near the end of my second work (still about 80-100 bars not
written). The day before yesterday, when I was at bar 362, Lily could still
compile it within 2 hours. But last night, I left my computer running it, and
it was still hanging there when I got up this morning, thus ab
Oh, I find the culprit! Since I used the Dynamics context, which has no remove
empty setting, the harp part can't be removed. Could anyone add this into the Otherwise I have to keep it in my own def file--I'll try to
find the way now.
Sorry, the zip file has the def file miss
Thanks, but in my situation, both of my harp staves are empty, but the system
is always there. See
> -原始邮件-
> 发件人: "Xavier Scheuer"
> 发送时间: 2011年2月9日 星期三
> 收件人: "胡海鹏 -
I suddenly discover that in all my scores, the piano staff can't remove
empty. Therefore, my harp part is always there throughout my entire piece. How
to remove it?
lilypond-user mailing list
I think 2.13.48 is not as good as 2.13.46. I compiled the work I'm working
on, in 46, it takes 45 pages, with only a (de)crescendo too small warning;
while in 48, it takes 48 pages, and gives many that warnings.
lilypond-user mail
When I tried to download 2.13.48, I found the linuxaudio server is down.
lilypond-user mailing list
Someone (perhaps Valentin) gave me a snippet to create a context containing
only top texts such as rehearsal marks, tempo texts and metronome marks. I use
it for my work very well. All my scores are frenched scores.
%% Layout to produce MarkLine context
%% to place rehearsal marks and te
I'm writing my second orchestral work. There's a place two systems having
different height, one low and wthe other high with more instruments. Lilypond
always tries to include all two on one page, and therefore generates "couldn't
fit music on page". I have to use manual break, but can
Using 2.13.46 still can't automatically spread staves/systems into fittable
layout, thus there are still "couldn't fit music on page".
lilypond-user mailing list
> 发件人: "Shane Brandes"
> 发送时间: 2011年1月4日 星期二
> 收件人: "胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng"
> 抄送:
> 主题: Re: tempo and rehearsal juxtaposition
> you can try this from the snippet repository
> Shane
> 2011/1/3 胡海鹏
I know how to write q=ca120, by reassigning rehearsal mark. But in my
situation, there's a rehearsal 5 and I'd like to add "Adagio (q=ca50)". How to
do that?
lilypond-user mailing list
I used 2.13.44 to test my part making, and besides the existing "couldn't fit
music on page" problem, the follwing warning was added:
warning: couldn't fit music on page: ragged-spacing was requested, but page was
I still prefer the automatical function to let the non-fit st
2. I must manually insert
breaks, which I can't do visually.
> -原始邮件-
> 发件人: "Carl Sorensen"
> 发送时间: 2010年12月10日 星期五
> 收件人: "胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng"
> 抄送:
> 主题: Re: music fit on page, new item found in 2.13.42
> On 12/9/1
I just downloaded 2.13.42. When making parts, I see the log file has a new
thing. There are still many "couldn't fit music on page" if I use normal staff
size, but after that, a "compressing music to fit" message is added. Does it
mean I will be no longer worried about music fitting pro
I'm wondering whether I can enter these articulations: mezzo staccato (dot
and line), reversed accent sing and martellato (thick V). I don't know what a
portato sign looks like, could anyone describe it?
lilypond-user mai
After many modification, my overture is about to come out as a final sets
(score and parts). A friend of my teacher can manage to let it played. But when
making parts, I still have problem with the latest version. No matter what
staff size I set, there will be many parts not fitting mus
I'm checking the title page layout of my overture. I tried to use
showFirstLength = R1
but the log says syntax error. Where must I place the string? I use 2
bookparts, in the second one there goes the music, and the first one for
unnumbered 2 title pages.
I found an old problem which becomes more obvious in current version 2.13.36.
If I enter a midi program change before a note, that note still uses previous
sound. For example, if violin I part use string ensemble 1, and then switches
to solo violin at the middle, it takes effect only at
Hello Janek,
It's perhaps not feasible to change in my opinion. The current calculation is
very scientific. If you use c3 c c, then you'll lost the true value, since
\times 2/3 { c4 c c } equals a half, while \times 2/3 { c8 c c } equals a
quarter. It might be good to change to \tuplet 3 { c4
I'm producing parts for my overture, while finding a very frustrating visual
problem. I'd like Lilypond to auto resize staves to pages, but I know the staff
size must be set manually. Therefore, even a single line score causes all pages
to have staves running out of. When I tried to set
I'd like to engrave some percussion sections for separate players. The groups
have their name for player numbers, and the individual rhythmic staves indicate
names of instruments. However, even though I include the engraver, the file
attached doesn't generate group names into the pdf. I
Thanks, and sorry for not having provided a excellent snippet. The errors don't
appear in my full score and complete part, so 2.13.35 will do the harp part
well I think.
lilypond-user mailing list
A person reported that in the following harp passage of mine, the slurs are
blurred with the notes. He read the score generated by 2.13.24, so: Is it still
wrong in 2.13.35? How to solve the issue?
\version 2.13.35
headsOn = \sequential {
\override Dots #'transparent =
Thanks for releasing 2.13.35, the spacing problem in 2.13.34 has been solved,
and I'm 99% satisfied with it, except that the overture still compiles out 4
pages more than 2.13.24. However, I'll jump to this version before 2.14's out.
Thanks! My Filezilla can't connect to my own ftp site, and Filesonic is running
abnormal this month. The other 2 sites you pointed out are either blocked by
gfw or redirected to another site. So I have to upload it to RS, and you hacan
only have 10 chances to download it. The zip file contains n
I'm very glad that 2.13.34 is much better than previous devel versions since
2.13.24. The only shortcoming is, however, still spacing. In my case, the
overture uses 35 pages in 2.13.24, while 37 in 2.13.34, with one "couldn't fit
music on page:" warning in the middle. I don't know which
Sorry for the noise, it's my fault of not setting tupplet spanner duration in a
continuous triplets, not my example here.
lilypond-user mailing list
My mother found a problem when I write continuous triplets. For example,
\time 4/4 c'4 c' \times 2/3 { c'8 d' e' } \times 2/3 { f' g' a' }
The two triplets are grouped like one sextupplet, but with two 3's. What's the
problem? Is it a wrong practice in notation convention? Is it controlle
I'm writing an indication for bell tree to gliss upwards. So I need an arrow
pointing right-up. However, the following markup only produces an rotated
triangle. Must I add a line before the arrow? Could you help me visually to
create one?
\relative c, {
r2 c\mp^\mark
I am re,reading the sections in NR about markups. The following confuses me,
because I can't find any wrong points in the last one. The madual says it has
no anchor point, so can't be moved. Can you give me any clues?
Also, I can't distinguish xx-align and xx-column. I think \left-alig
The \paragraph is taken from the manual, but I don't know where it is now.
#(define-markup-list-command (paragraph layout props args) (markup-list?)
(let ((indent (chain-assoc-get 'par-indent props 2)))
(interpret-markup-list layout props
(make-justified-lines-markup-list (cons (make-hspace-
Thanks Phil.
> I believe that \paragraph isn't a standard part of LilyPond notation
Yeah, it's not included in the default scm file. But I just want some
word-wrapped lines and other kinds of formatted texts in case they have bad
indentations and run off the page. This is very useful when I wri
I am editing the back of the title page, where are some notes to perc
players. In the following block, I used hspace, but a sighted person told me
that the 5 lines are not shifted right. I then used 6 spaces before every P,
but the problem persists. How can I do?
I have two questions about title pages and prefaced pages. Perhaps they are
in the manuals, but I can't find them at this time.
1. Title pages: If I want to set page number to -1 to start the music at the
second piece of paper, how can I force the number 0 to hide at the back of
As I said, the midi is 1) not well balanced, and 2) too concret on notes, but
without required information for accurate dynamics and KS (keyswitch).
Therefore, Sibelius will treat all pizz as arco, all solo violin passages as
tutti, and all muted brass as open. Moreover, the machine-gun sounded
Martin said:
> What do you mean with "not suitable" ?
> A Lilypond to MusicXML conversion tool probably will not solve the limited
> MIDI capacities of Lilypond.
No! If you have Sibelius and its own vst or Garritan personal Orchestra, you
can import Strauss's Pizzicato Polka and a piece containin
I'm a CHinese blind musician Hu Haipeng. I have been using Lilypond since
2008, and get many benefit from it. I also know Manuscript Writer, but since
it's dos based, I seldom put attention to it. Thank you for developing a tool
to convert MWR into Lilypond, but can I discuss something
Xavier Scheuer wrote:
> I have sent 2 bugs reports to Joe and to bug-lilypond:
> Your programming error: no note heads for the line spanner on neighbor
> line seem related to \showStaffSwitch used simultaneously with
> \glissando ...
But I ever wrote many harp gliss with staff changes
Dear Phil:
> I can confirm that compiling this music produces a number of errors...
> the score is too complex to have any chance of working out whether this is a
> bug or expected behaviour owing to errors in the music. I tried commenting
> out parts of the music but with no success.
Yeah, w
I reported this problem earlier, and stopped when my teacher said nothing was
wrong on the score. But with 2.13.30" the portion has more such reports. Here's
the music. When I comment out music before rehearsal 6 (sorry, mark line not
included, see the comment line), no problem is found
I have figured out how to achieve, but... but you must do a complete different
score for midi. If the two sounds within a line uses different soundfont, you
must divide it into two lines. Also, please map the midi instrument to the
correct presets of your soundfont, thus, 001 is not always piano
Thanks. But when I used 30, my full score was fattened from 34 pages to 38, and
there are many warnings saying (de)crescendo too small, in fact they are not
small; and a programming error in harp part in 2.13.24 increased to several:
"no note heads for the line spanner on neighbor line? Confused
When I extract the timpani part from my overture (I have not made cues), a
fatal problem comes--spacing issues. No matter what staff size I set, the
warning "couldn't fit music on page" always appears. How to sove it?
a simplified version (without rehearsal and top texts)
In NR, I discovered a problem concerning tagging. If I remove multiple tags,
it will wolk perfectly; however, the opposite way is not available (at the very
bottom of the tagging section). I'd like to make parts for my overture, which
already contains many midi tags. I want to nest tags
Does anyone have experience with various soundfonts? I think Lilypond'smidi
is only suitable for GM soundfonts. I just purchased Orchestral Collection
Bundle from Digital SOund Factory, and found it is divided into separated
sections. Is anyone familiar with this kind of soundfonts?
Yes, I found these sections. The two have confused me for over two years.
lilypond-user mailing list
Then you should add this to the doc in case of confusion to other people.
lilypond-user mailing list
I encount a serious problem. My teacher found that my fermatas are only on
the silent parts. When I gave him the following snippet, the problem persisted.
Is it a bug? Must I use \fermata instead of ^\fermataMarkup?
\version "2.13.24"
\layout {
\context {
I finally finish my concert overture, which has just 250 measures, 34 pages.
The compiling is a nightmare! When I used normal way, the computer turned into
a circumstance like it was about to crash. Then I used Process Tamer, a small
util program to reduce source wasting. At first, it's
Thanks, but...
> commenting \showStaffSwitch in the staff harprh stops this warning/error -
> could this be a starting point to track the error?
I'm confused. Because all my code seems to be right, and if no
\showStaffSwitch, the change staff can't work. But please tell me whether the
pdf output
I encounter a strange problem on my harp part. THe message is:
programming error: no note heads for the line spanner on neighbor line?
It is very strange because, although it seems to be the problem of the last
glissando, when I commented out all previous music, it has no probl
I know how to write special tempo indication like 4= ca120 in old versions of
lilypond. But since the new ones have included \tempo text + tempo function, I
don't know how to adjust it. Moreover, the indication is quite different from
the snippet. At the end of my overture, there are bo
Thanks Carl, I have solved the problem last night by adding midi tags to all
the problematic instruments (bassoons, trumpet I, cello and bass). I don't know
how Lilypond calculates music values, but I've never heard such issue in other
musical notation softwares.
Dear All,
After reading the messages about "going back in midi time", I realized that
the main problem of my overture's midi output is not totally because of
articulate. Here's the small intro containing just 8 bars, and the problem is
at bar 7. Please run it, and you'll see these warnings. I
Thanks, but I have used many new features only available in 2.13.
lilypond-user mailing list
I downloaded 2.13.26 to compile my overture. The result is bad, because it
not only uses more pages, but also reported a (de)crescendo too small warning.
I reinstalled 2.13.24-2, then the warning disappeared, and the page amount is
back to normal. Are there any spacing changes in 26?
> I did put in a bit of a suggestion to tackle precisely this challenge.
I think this feature needs someone to add many C++ codes in the source, but it
seems that most of the improvement were done out of (I mean "by not largely
modifying") the core (I guess).
> In the MIDI version of your score, you can try to include several voices in
> the same Staff,...
Thanks, I know it. The issue came when I used instrument changes such as pizz
and mute, which create more sounds.
Brett pointed out in yesterday's email that Finale and Sibelius uses
Hello Urs,
I'd like to tell you that I wanted Lilypond to export Musicxml to fit my
usage (as a blind), but no one is able to do this. This issue and related talks
is in the Google Code. By the way, Musescore has removed Lilypond import
Sorry, I misunderstood NR. But I still need more than 16 sounds. I don't know
the difference between channel and track. Finale and Sibelius can have more
than 32 instruments at once, so I don't know whether Lilypond can reach this
I'm working on my overture. NR says by moving Staff_performer to Voice and
creating more than one voice in a staff, more than 16 kinds of instruments can
be used in midi output. But I failed, resulting many warnings saying there are
more than 16 tracks. One thing I can tell is, I still
Here's another serious problem (only with blind). Sighted people can check
whether the page turn is disturbing the flowing music and troubling the
players, but for me, I have to ask an assistant for help, since Lilypond can't
export Musicxml, or Musescore can't open Lilypond file. Furth
As a person reported earlier, 2.13.24 can't create pdf. My error is not the
same as his. The program aborts at the end, saying can't find It's strange that the file it's finding is not a standard
file, because there are many other things after the regular exe extensio
Today I get a score from my composition teacher. The piece is for orchestra
with various instruments. In the perc part, he uses some stick signs such as
hard xylophone stick, soft timpani stick. I don't know how these sticks look
like, but hope Lilypond can do them. I don't know whether
> No, not if you use \killCues in your full score.
I know it, but the example puts it inside the music expression, so I guess it
can't be used as:
piccolo = \relative c,, { }
\new Staff = "piccolo" { \killCues \piccolo }
Am I wrong?
I find I'm facing a problem I didn't pay attention to--making parts. I have
read the NR, and know how to add cues. But here's a problem: how can I use the
same source to extract every parts with different cues? Thus, if I add
\cueDuring to every part, the full score will also contain cu
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