Hi Kieren,
Thanks for your help. It helped me to find the solution: calling explicit
voices. I just added some note’s horizontal shift to have the last c on the
other side:
\version "2.25.24"
\language "english"
global = {
\key bf \major
\time 6/8
upper = \relative c' {
Hi all,
I’ve finally got a little breathing room to update and clean up some of my
Lilypond code, and implement some things I’ve always wanted to (but haven’t had
One of those things is “alignTo”, which claims to allow you to avoid
calculating skips, etc., and simply place things at the
Hi Kieren,
On Sun, Mar 2, 2025 at 12:06 PM Kieren MacMillan <
kie...@kierenmacmillan.info> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’ve got lots of interconnected files in my libraries, and more than one
> of them may \include the same file (e.g., ChoralStaff.ily and
> VocalStaff.ily both \include Lyrics.ily).
Hi all,
I’ve got lots of interconnected files in my libraries, and more than one of
them may \include the same file (e.g., ChoralStaff.ily and VocalStaff.ily both
\include Lyrics.ily).
What’s the best way to deal with this nowadays? (cf.