Re: Omit footnotes and footnote text from score

2024-02-27 Thread YTG 123
Hello William, Consider an alternative approach using tags , like what was recommended to me in a slightly different situation (thread linked and attache

Re: Moving a fingering mark below a slur

2024-02-27 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 at 17:28, Peter Mayes wrote: > > Almost certainly a fairly trivial question: in bar 3, how to put the "L" mark above the note, but below the slur? Hello, Should the "L" mark really be considered as a Fingering object? Because as you currently define it, it's a TextScript. Sho

Re: Moving turn above slur

2024-02-27 Thread Ralph Palmer
Wow! That was quick. Thanks, Kieren! Ralph __ Ralph Palmer Seattle USA (he, him, his) On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 9:32 AM Kieren MacMillan <> wrote: > Hi Ralph, > > > I cannot figure out how to move the turn above the slur in the following >

Re: Moving turn above slur

2024-02-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Ralph, > I cannot figure out how to move the turn above the slur in the following MWE: %%% \version "2.24.2" \language "english" tune = \relative c'' { c8.-\tweak avoid-slur #'outside \turn[( d16) f8. g16] a8.[ f16 g8.( a16]) | } \score { \tune } %%% Hope that helps! Kieren.

Moving turn above slur

2024-02-27 Thread Ralph Palmer
Greetings, and thanks to all for all your hard work! I cannot figure out how to move the turn above the slur in the following MWE: \version "2.24.2" \language "english" tune = \relative c'' { c8.\turn[( d16) f8. g16] a8.[ f16 g8.( a16]) | } \score { \tune } %%%

Omit footnotes and footnote text from score

2024-02-27 Thread William Rehwinkel via LilyPond user discussion
Dear list, I am wondering if there is a way to omit footnotes and the text that accompanies them from a score. the reason for this is I am making a critical edition of a baroque trio sonata from a manuscript, and would like to use footnotes for editorial changes in the full score and not show

Moving a fingering mark below a slur

2024-02-27 Thread Peter Mayes
Almost certainly a fairly trivial question: in bar 3, how to put the "L" mark above the note, but below the slur? (There are places where the slur is a long way above the note in question, so that the mark seems much too far from the note to which it is attached.) \version "2.25.12" left =

extracting a single “vocal line” (including lyrics) from multiple variables

2024-02-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all, So… In the musical I’m currently co-writing (and solo-engraving!), I’ve got a bunch of different variables for the various vocal lines, e.g. Frogs_Sammy_notes = { … } Frogs_Sammy_lyrics = \lyricmode { … } Frogs_Michael_notes = { … } Frogs_Michael_lyrics = \lyricmode { … } Frogs_chorus_up

Staff highlights

2024-02-27 Thread YTG 1234
Hello List, is there any way to alternate between staff highlights on single staves and on groups containing those staves? Such that, for example, in one bar each stave in a group has its own highlighting, but in the ne