> I am trying to slur to the middle of a triplet, which engraves
> correclty , but gives a warning. I'd like to get rid of the warning
> for a clean build.
> Any solution?
>(e4 d e d |
> \tuplet 3/2 {e8 d) b~} b4 r2 |
Wrong syntax: Not `(e4` but `e4(`.
I am trying to slur to the middle of a triplet, which engraves correclty , but
gives a warning. I'd like to get rid of the warning for a clean build.
Any solution?
(e4 d e d |
\tuplet 3/2 {e8 d) b~} b4 r2 |
log output:
warning: Unattached SlurEvent
(e4 d e d |
Am 02.02.24 um 01:35 schrieb Leo Correia de Verdier:
If you want to avoid some of the jiggery pokery you could do something like:
\version "2.25.12"
#(define ((time-alternate-time upa downa upb downb) grob)
(grob-interpret-markup grob