> I wanted a more natural text spacing for some chant in modern
> notation I am typesetting, using the setting *ragged-right = ##t*.
> However, the custodes also moves along with the line, and I would
> like it to always be in the same place, at the right-hand margin.
> That is, custodes is alway
On some projects, I use this method:Make the number a rehearsal mark. In the
layout block:\override Score.RehearsalMark.X-extent = ##f\override
Score.RehearsalMark.Y-extent = ##f\override Score.RehearsalMark.X-offset=
#?\override Score.RehearsalMark.Y-offset= #?Create a scheme music definition
After some trial and error, the simplest workaround was to override the stencil
of NoteHead so it draws the missing ledger line. I conditionally set
NoteHead.stencil to ly:text-interface::print and set NoteHead.text to custom
markup function.
\override NoteHead.stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
Hi Kris,
On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 4:44 AM Kris Van Bruwaene wrote:
> (Lilypond version 2.24.1, Guile 2.2).
> What is the easiest way to put a big number (e.g. font size 4 bold) in
> the upper left or right corner of a score? In previous versions I used to
> manage this with a double header, on
*facepalm* - thank you!!
You've mistyped "positions" as "position" (hence the warning “cannot
find the property type-check…”).
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You've mistyped "positions" as "position" (hence the warning “cannot find the
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> Thank you Jean. I just now wanted to apply your tip, but it's not quite what
> I expected. If I copy your script litterally, the number overlaps with the
> \header (piece title, composer etc.). If I delete the \with-outline the
> overlap is gone, but the number appears below the header,
Hi Group and Merry Christmas :)
I do not find the right way to tweak the slur position here:
\version "2.24.0"
{\relative {\tupletUp \tuplet 3/2 { as'2 b4 } \override Slur.position
=#'(5 . 5) \tuplet 3/2 { c4 (d e) } f\fermata}}
I know I could avoid collision b