HI Jean;
Thank you for the elaboration. I will put it in my list of things
to experiment with.
On Sun, Apr 3, 2022 at 7:23 AM Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 02/04/2022 à 17:50, Kenneth Wolcott a écrit :
> > Hi Jean;
> >
> >I implemented your suggestion.
> >
> >Can you provide a li
Le 04/04/2022 à 00:18, Paul Hodges a écrit :
I thought the unit to be staff space, scaled according to the chosen size.
Good remark. From experiments, I see that global-set-staff-size indeed
affects it, but not layout-set-staff-size. Staff sizes is a complicated
business that I never really
Le 04/04/2022 à 05:07, Dinh Hoang Tu a écrit :
Hi Jean,
Thanks a lot for your updated code.
This seems to solve the issue with stanza of verses. It's really
great. Thanks again for this!
But it also prints chorus stanza on each line which is not really
expected I think.
\version "2.22.2
On Mon, 4 Apr 2022 at 11:35, Jacques Menu wrote:
> Hello Hans,
> Installed the fonts from lilyjazz-master as system fonts with FontBook,
rebooted, but to no avail.
> That beats me…
Hello Jacques,
Sorry to ask, but it is not clear from your answer. Do you effectively
install the fonts liyjazz
Hello Hans,
Installed the fonts from lilyjazz-master as system fonts with FontBook,
rebooted, but to no avail.
That beats me…
> Le 4 avr. 2022 à 00:07, Hans Aikema a écrit :
> IIRC on Mac it only works when you install them in the system fonts. Fontbook
> installs them in the user-fonts